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intergalactic jumpgate


I want to open up a subsection in another galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy to be precise. I am working on a 3d subsection, it is a box measuring 8 parsecs by 10 parsecs by 8 parsecs, so naturally this won't fit into any traveller maps. The jumpgate launches a starship through jumpspace, the starship must have a jump drive to maintain the jump bubble, a jump-1 drive will do. The jumpgate puts an incredible amount of energy into the jump, and it can send a starship up to a maximum range of up to 2,000,000 parsecs. Long range gravity lense telescopes have spotted a suitable planet in an almost clone of our solar system, after sorting through one trillion star systems. The only problem is that its a one way journey, there is no jumpgate there to send a ship back, the calculation to make the jump took 5 years on one of the imperium fastest computers, scientists are about 80% certain the ship they will send will arrive on target. The problem is there would be no way to tell if the ship arrived successfully, so they are sending condemned prisoners with equipment to establish a colony in this far off subsection. A lot of the prisoners are Solomani Pirates, murders, and cutthroat of various sorts. How does this sound for a campaign?
The penal colony is to be named Even Newer South Wales.

Must be equipped with gene-modified kangaroos for mounted transport. ;)
What? They're not sending hair dressers, janitors, maids, fry cooks and other convenience workers first to make sure when the important people arrive everything is nice and comfortable...? ;)
As a parsec is 3.26 light years, how many million of years out of date is the information on the planet, and how accurate is the system on the current location of the solar system the planet is in? Galaxies and star system do move. As a one-way suicide mission, it might fly, assuming the crew of the ship does not mutiny prior to the jump.
6.52 million light years, but the Andromeda galaxy is only half that distance, they are targeting the subsector, the ships will use as much jump fuel as a jump-1 and will need to carry additional fuel to jump to the nearest star system. To transport the maximum number of prisoners, the cargo holds are packed with low berths, if worst comes to worst, they can proceed at slower than light velocity to the nearest system.

Also plans for a another jump gate are included in each starship's memory banks, so eventually the colonists can construct another Jumpgate and jump back to the Milky Way, they aren't cheap to build or small. A jumpgate is about the size of a typical type A starport, and it has to be built beyond the jump limit of a planet, one of the Lagrange points of a planet would suffice.
What will the player characters do once they arrive? Do you envisage a campaign where they are brave colonists trying to establish a foothold in a 'new world'.

How many ships and 'colonists' are sent on this endeavor? How much technology are they taking with them to make stuff once they arrive?

Who is in charge?

As Timerover51 says whatever data you have about the Andromeda galaxy is two and a half million years out of date.

Will the jump gate be used in the future to send more stuff through?

Why can't you send the plans and machinery to manufacture a jump gate at the Andromeda end?
What will the player characters do once they arrive? Do you envisage a campaign where they are brave colonists trying to establish a foothold in a 'new world'.

How many ships and 'colonists' are sent on this endeavor? How much technology are they taking with them to make stuff once they arrive?

Who is in charge?

As Timerover51 says whatever data you have about the Andromeda galaxy is two and a half million years out of date.

Will the jump gate be used in the future to send more stuff through?

Why can't you send the plans and machinery to manufacture a jump gate at the Andromeda end?

Thats the plan, eventually, the plans are sent through with each ship. Each ship is very old and fully depreciated, so they are writeoffs for the imperium. They are sending a lot of Solomani rebels from the Solomani Rim to Andromeda to basically get rid of them so they can pacify the territory they are occupying, in return the rebels get a new Earth, the continents are different, it does have the same axial tilt and day length size and 1 Earth gravity, and it has a Luna sized moon called Selene, the planet itself is Gaia and it orbits a G0 V star has a period of over 400 days.

The Solomani rebels are in charge, there is no way the imperium can govern this place anyway, they don't want to strand their officers in another galaxy.
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First, you throw a couple of asteroids at it, to wipe out the dinosaurs.
succeed. There are dinosaurians, feathered mammals that bear their young live, but the look like dinosaurs, the birds are mammals too.

It looks like an exploration campaign, and of course there are intelligent races in the Andromeda galaxy.
succeed. There are dinosaurians, feathered mammals that bear their young live, but the look like dinosaurs, the birds are mammals too.

It looks like an exploration campaign, and of course there are intelligent races in the Andromeda galaxy.

There's a great picture in the Mercenary Kickstarter of Dino-Creatures keeping some folks pinned behind a rock with energy weapon fire.
What I don't get is why would the Imperium go to all this trouble just to get rid of some malcontents? The gate would certainly be extremely expensive, not to mention all the research. And the Imperium is not even expecting any ROE? The cost of one bullet per colonist would be significantly less.
At the very least there are many potential worlds for use as penal colonies much closer, i.e. in regions of the Milky Way just outside Charted Space.
I would think that, instead of undesirables, they would send the best people they possibly could to make the chances of ROE as high as possible, as in Stargate Atlantis.
What? They're not sending hair dressers, janitors, maids, fry cooks and other convenience workers first to make sure when the important people arrive everything is nice and comfortable...? ;)

There were fears about a possible plague induced by insufficiently-cleaned phones.
Here is what I have so far in the Subsector.
0504 Layer 8 M9 V
0506 Layer 7
Orbit AU Name UWP Orbit Period Remarks
Primary 0 Helios G0 V Mass 1.04 solar masses,
0 0.2 Empty 32 days
1 0.44 Hermes Y300222-A 105 days
2 0.77 Aphrodite Y8B0164-A 242 days
3 1.1 Gaia A867634-B 413 days
_60 _385,000 km _Selene G200665-B _27.218 days
4 1.6 Ares G430562-B 725 days
5 2.8 Planetoid Belt 1 G000322-A 4.59 years
6 5.2 Zeus Large GG 11.63 years
_6 _422,000 km _Hephaestus H210663-B _1.762 days
_9 _670,900 km _Athena Y200313-A _3.533 days
_15 _1,070,400 km _Hercules G300361-A _7.119 days
_25 _1,882,700 km _Perseus G300234-A _16.607 days
7 10 Kronos Large GG 31.01 years
_20 _1,221,870 km _Atlas G3A0622-B _15.885 days
8 19.6 Ouranos Small GG 85.09 years
9 29.4 Poseidon Small GG 156.32 years
10 38.8 Hades F110216-A 236.99 years
0209 Layer 6 M0 V
0504 Layer 6 F0 V
0401 Layer 5 F0 V
0108 Layer 4 M5 V
0604 Layer 3 M0 V
0604 Layer 3 _M5 V - orbit 10
0606 Layer 3 F0 V
0503 Layer 2 M0 V
0809 Layer 2 F5 V
0809 Layer 2 _M5 V - orbit 8
0703 Layer 1 M0 V
0801 Layer 1 F5 V
0801 Layer 1 _M5 V - orbit 10
0802 Layer 1 M5 V
Those are all the star systems the term layer refers to the z-axis how many parsecs up it is.. I'm using the classic scout book for these codes. Spaceport codes are the following:
Y no spaceport
H Primitive facilities
G poor quality
F good quality
What I don't get is why would the Imperium go to all this trouble just to get rid of some malcontents? The gate would certainly be extremely expensive, not to mention all the research. And the Imperium is not even expecting any ROE? The cost of one bullet per colonist would be significantly less.
At the very least there are many potential worlds for use as penal colonies much closer, i.e. in regions of the Milky Way just outside Charted Space.
I would think that, instead of undesirables, they would send the best people they possibly could to make the chances of ROE as high as possible, as in Stargate Atlantis.

The expense is in the jump calculations and the energy costs, but the main problem is whoever gets sent there is stuck there because there is no way back until someone builds a return gate there, and it would be real expensive to send pieces of another gate in the cargo holds of starships that won't be coming back until the return gate plus the power plant to operate is fully assembled, and the power consumption of the gate is equivalent to a major city.

For one thing the Imperium can't tell if anyone they sent actually arrived, they can send message through the gate, but no communication can come back, they can't tell for sure if anyone they actually sent to the Andromeda galaxy ever arrived, they will find out when someone there builds a return gate and someone returns through it, otherwise they don't know.

Their scientists tell them the jump should take about a week, and according to theory the gate should be able to jump a Starship out to 2 million parsecs, but there is no way to test it and get the results back, they have tested the gate for shorter distances, but not for intergalactic ones.
Wouldn't it be up to the player characters to name the objects in the system?
Giving them names is part of creating them, besides they were observed from a telescope before anyone was sent over, those planets were seen as they were 2.5 million years ago because of light lag, the astronomers were interested in this system because of its similarity to the Solar System, the other stars I listed don't have planets yet, if you want, you could take a wack at generating a mainworld for each, and thinking up names for them. Having names for them makes it easier to talk about. This first system got names according to Greek mythology, much as our Solar System takes after Roman mythology.
Wouldn't it be up to the player characters to name the objects in the system?

I'll generate a bunch of planets without names, I'll give them Greek letters as designations in the meantime. There are human settlements all over the subsector, only some of them settled in the Helios-Gaia system.
What I don't get is why would the Imperium go to all this trouble just to get rid of some malcontents? The gate would certainly be extremely expensive, not to mention all the research. And the Imperium is not even expecting any ROE? The cost of one bullet per colonist would be significantly less.
At the very least there are many potential worlds for use as penal colonies much closer, i.e. in regions of the Milky Way just outside Charted Space.
I would think that, instead of undesirables, they would send the best people they possibly could to make the chances of ROE as high as possible, as in Stargate Atlantis.

Not only that, but go through all that money and effort, but then "save money" by using decomed ships.

It would be cheaper to put them on someplace uninhabited, Red Zone it, and mount a space patrol to keep blockade runners out.
Given the nature of the people being sent, what is the likelihood that they will build a return gate, and if they do, what is the likelihood of them sending warships through it to seek revenge on the Imperium?

Also, how many females are you including in this sending? To allow for deaths during pregnancy and child-bearing, which do occur even now, you will need a slight preponderance of females over males. You will also need to send enough to ensure genetic diversity.
Not only that, but go through all that money and effort, but then "save money" by using decomed ships.

It would be cheaper to put them on someplace uninhabited, Red Zone it, and mount a space patrol to keep blockade runners out.
How do you know? It is an entirely fictional technology. What if there was a one time cost for setting up the jumpgate for a specific jump and each additional jump was insignificant?