What is going on in this campaign?!
You NEVER get to use an Intimidate skill against another PC, only NPCs are able to be intimidated!! Against fellow PCs, ROLE-PLAYING is used!! (although your GM may add some variable modifiers)
It is becoming apparent that either your GM hasen't read or understood the rules, has "caved-in" under a particular player's pressure to allow him to do what he wants to do, or your style of play(role-playing) is clashing with the other players/GM style of play(some type of ego/powertripping godfest). In any case, you need to talk to the GM alone, explain your concerns, clarify the rules, and then calmly listen to his explanation. If he(generic"he") refuses to change or continues to allow the one PC to intimidate both the NPCs,PCs, and the storyline, then take a walk from the group!!
Some people use role-playing to escape from reality AND have fun with a group of friends. Others are the stereotypical scary people who seem to need to overcome disadvantages in their real life by forcing people to "respect" or "obey" them in a role-playing group. These type of people ALWAYS max out certain aspects of their characters and never seem to be anything less than either the most powerful or equal to the most powerful character in the game.
Although THEY enjoy it and will always vocally defend their choice, they rarely change and will almost never quite understand your concerns.
In my 30+ years of role-playing games, I once and a while run into groups where (for want of a better word), power-gaming, is the norm. Everyone is all powerful,stats are maxed,equipment is off the charts, and these people seem to enjoy it.
One session with these types of groups, always leaves me empty and I rarely enjoy the night. In all fairness, these types of groups seem to enjoy themselves, so the game is fullfilling it's design, but I always notice that they usually fail to attract new members. In addition, players from these types of groups rarely mesh well when introduced to another group; always complaining to the GM and making fun of players who fail to "exploit" the gaming system 100%.
In the end, the game is designed and intended to be fun for YOU!!
You don't always win,get your way,or get rewarded like you should, but you should be able to say at the end of the night that you had fun!If this doesn't happen, change games,GMs (AFTER YOUR TALK), or fellow players, because if YOU do not act, things will never change.
Here's hoping for a better run next time!!