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Is There An Engineering Locker?


SOC-14 1K
Over in the "What's in Your Ships Locker?", several of the lists contain toolkits, electronics, mechanical, metalwork.

This caused the gears to whorl around upstairs.

Does the ship's engineer actually run from the engine room to the ship's locker whenever one of these kits is needed?

Or, is there a engine room locker(s) that contains its own equipment?

Has anyone ever done up a list for a such a thing?

If so, would you be willing to share?

Or speculate.
In LBB2 there is a reference to "ship's stores" in the section on damage control and repairs - I assume that this is part of the engineering section tonnage requirements and contains hull patches, replacement parts, and so on.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Does the ship's engineer actually run from the engine room to the ship's locker whenever one of these kits is needed?

This brings up another question; Does anyone really believe that everything listed in these various Ship's Locker lists is stored in a single location aboard?

I know there are deckplans with little spaces marked as 'ships lcoker', but I've always felt that the ship's locker was more of a list of the ship's operating 'kit' and less of a discrete space aboard. Vacc suits are going to be stored where they are used, near the airlock(s) and not in some closet off the bridge. All the various tool kits, repair parts, and other items will be kept where they are used most often while camping and other planetary survival gear will most likely be stored away in some central location because they're not in everyday use aboard a starship.

Weapons are the items most likely to be stored in a central, guarded location. Everything from extra ammo, to the pistol checked in by a passenger, to those 'survival' rifles everyone loves to include in their ship's locker lists will locked up in that location. IMTU, the crew is usually armed on duty, although any crew member working in the passenger spaces is unarmed for the same reasons as a prison guard is unarmed.

FWIW, I see those ship's locker compartments penciled into the various deckplans as primarily armories. They've got gun racks and ammo storage. Also stored neatly in the same space are those items of the ship's 'kit' that aren't used everyday or week; tents, cold lights, rope, stills, inflatable whatevers, cold weather gear, 'extra' vaccs suits, and all the other gadgets the players may have collected.

Have fun,
"Does the ship's engineer actually run from the engine room to the ship's locker whenever one of these kits is needed?”

Are we talking a government ship? Depends on OHSA regulations. ;)

Really. Tools and whatnot are where you would expect them to be. By the stuff they are intended to fix or use. Vaccsuits by airlocks for example. On 100 ton scout ship everything is quite close by. On bigger ships 400tns+ The ship may have indeed have several lockers. Now some weird regulations my be in place that require items be kept in strange places.
The term "Locker" applies to any controlled space on board a ship, and that is usually secured with one or more locks.

Thus we have the following list, which by no means is exhaustive:

Alcohol Locker (Liquor Locker)
Athletic Gear Locker
Battery Locker (charging station, storage, and electrolyte refill)
Bo'sun's Locker and Lucky Bag
Bread Locker (not locked, per se. Secured to keep rats out)
Chart Locker (navigator's stores)
Chain Locker (Anchor chain)
Chemical Warfare Locker (Gas masks, MOP suits, etc.)
Damage Control Locker (See Below)
Davy Jones' Locker (No one who goes there ever comes back)
Deck Gear Locker
Engineering Locker (See Below)
Foot Locker (One per crewmember)
Goat Locker (The Senior Enlisted Mess Room)
Lamp Locker (Archaic. Used to stoer oil lamps and lamp oil)
Paint Locker (paint, solvents, brushes, rollers, chippers, scrapers, etc.)

You would expect to find the Engineering Locker in or adjacent to the main engineering space. It would contain tool kits, spare parts, protective clothing, repair manuals, and anything else necessary to maintain and repair the power plant and drives.

The Damage Control Lockers or Repair Lockers are usually located throughout a large ship, or may share space with the Engineering Locker on a smaller ship. Looking through some old USN Damage Controlman Rating manuals, I find that 'typical' repair locker will contain some or or most of the following equipment, depending upon the ship’s allowance:

• Oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA).
• Basket strainer
• Battle lanterns
• Blower sleeves (Large-diameter, flexible fan ducts)
• CBR defense detection equipment and markers
• Chain hoist
• Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) defense protective clothing
• Combustible gas indicator (explosimeter)
• Decontamination equipment
• Electrical fans
• Electrical kits
• Electrical tools
• Extension lights
• Fire rakes and ladders
• Fire-fighter’s protective gloves
• Flashlights
• Forcible entry tools
• Four gas analyzers
• Gas masks (filter/respirator combo?)
• Hand tools
• Helmets
• Hose and pipe flanges
• In-line foam eductor
• Life jackets
• Manila line
• Nozzles and extra fire hose
• Oxygen indicator
• Pipe-patching kit (soft patches)
• Plugging kit
• Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit (PECU)
• Prefabricated patches (wood and steel)
• Rubber boots
• Rubber gloves
• Screw and hydraulic jacks
• Sealed-beam lights
• Shoring kit and shoring batten
• Sounding tapes
• Sound-powered phones
• Spare electrical cable
• Steel wedges
• Submersible water pump
• Supplied air respirator with self-contained breathing apparatus (SAR/SCBA)
• Twelve canisters for each OBA and six held in reserve
• X40J cable and jack boxes (for setting up an emergency intercom; the cable is flat and can be run through a water-tight door between the gasket and the knife-edge)

Note that the above list is for a 'Wet Navy' ship, and not a space-going vessel. Although the items on the list could easily equate to Travller equipment.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
This brings up another question; Does anyone really believe that everything listed in these various Ship's Locker lists is stored in a single location aboard?
I don't.

However, on small ships, there is an identifiable main "ship's locker" compartment. It is lockable and the Captain has the access codes. Weapons are usually contained within it, as are additional items. Personal Vaccsuits are kept in cabins, and extras are kept in the locker.

On larger ships, the ship's locker is divided up into armories and equipment bays.

Airlocks, however, have rescue bubbles and general purpose one-size-fits-all emergency pressure suits (at least at TL-12 and above for the suits) built into their displacement, AFAIC.

In general, though, I would think that the displacement of the drives used to create the engineering space would also contain the basic maintenance and repair gear. I mean, does one really need to go to the starship outfitters to pick up a mechanical toolkit before launch or is their already one in the drive compartment? Sure, you may want an extra, but is there one already there?
Originally posted by Heretic Keklas Rekobah:
The term "Locker" applies to any controlled space on board a ship, and that is usually secured with one or more locks. [...]
Thank you!

That is all copied and saved away.

Now the question is, does this stuff come with the ship, or do you have to purchase it all?

And since I suspect the answer is, "You have to buy it, that's what starship outfitters are for," then how much does it cost and how much does it displace?
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
And since I suspect the answer is, "You have to buy it, that's what starship outfitters are for," then how much does it cost and how much does it displace?
Hmmm, which takes us back to the What's in yourShip's Locker thread....

Far-Trader's info on deckplan design rules has info on how much space is alloted for an engineering locker: .5dT/35dT of engineering volume (included).
I would argue that on a NEW ship it would be included in the price of the ship, but on a USED ship, only a certain percentage would be present at time of sale. BUT, to fly the darn thing legally, you would need to buy whatever was missing.

Don't forget that that DC lockers will have hand held fire extinguishers and First Aid Kits.

If the players are buying an operating ship, then I would expect everything to be there and as a player I would do an inventory and make the seller purchase whatever was missing.

Kind of like buying a house today. Everything in the house must work or the seller has to fix it. What is NOT in the house is known to the buyer at time of inspection, so the players would know what was missing and could negotiate from there.

Costs are provided to replace used equipment.
Were i outfitting a real ship intended for passengers, I'd be putting a couple Rescue Balls in each stateroom and several in all common areas.