... maybe they just have trouble conceiving of something stronger than themselves. just a random thought, maybe present them with an opponent that so obviously outclasses them that they realize they must run away. introduce them to the concept of something so much more powerful than they that they simply must step aside. maybe that might cast a ray of illumination on them.
They have trouble not treating everything like a joke, and they have trouble roleplaying anything besides puerile self-insert character power fantasies, and they have trouble coming up with character ideas which are not showboats for how cool they are, and they have trouble making the effort to take on such herculean tasks as keeping track of their ammo. Theyre all about the gaming equivalent of junk food: plenty of empty laughs and empty self congratulatory feelings of winning and the schadenfreude of roleplaying socially unacceptable behavior like shooting authority figures and beating down old ladies in starport concourses. And they have trouble not getting upset when the iv drip of laughs, winning, and schadenfreude is interrupted.