I want to discuss with Thalassogen, Draconian, and Joshua Bell about a sector data model.
I am updating my website, and I find that my server-side code is inexorably, slowly moving away from HTML generation and instead serving JSON data, which my webpages then render however they like.
So I am thinking about "how would I do this in a way that is convenient for me BUT also useful for others"?
My current format is verbose and detailed. There are many ways to organize this data, this is just one. I'm wondering if y'all would use it if it were in a different (better?) structure:
[/FONT] The reason I am thinking about this is because my strengths are in server-side data crunching and production, but not persistence, and not presentation. Presumably, others are better at presentation (e.g. Travellermap!!!!) and other services I am currently forgetting. So, I would want others to be able to consume my data. Some level of interoperability seems therefore to be at least a good idea to think about.
I know we've been over this before. But talking about it is therapeutic to me.
A sector using my verbose format below takes up a bit over 1 megabyte, and is a bit over 55,000 lines long.
That's a FAR CRY from a 30k SEC file.
I am updating my website, and I find that my server-side code is inexorably, slowly moving away from HTML generation and instead serving JSON data, which my webpages then render however they like.
So I am thinking about "how would I do this in a way that is convenient for me BUT also useful for others"?
My current format is verbose and detailed. There are many ways to organize this data, this is just one. I'm wondering if y'all would use it if it were in a different (better?) structure:
[/FONT] The reason I am thinking about this is because my strengths are in server-side data crunching and production, but not persistence, and not presentation. Presumably, others are better at presentation (e.g. Travellermap!!!!) and other services I am currently forgetting. So, I would want others to be able to consume my data. Some level of interoperability seems therefore to be at least a good idea to think about.
I know we've been over this before. But talking about it is therapeutic to me.
'meta': {
'generated': 'Thu Jun 12 15:10:45 2014',
'prng': 'burtle',
'density': 'Standard',
'sectorUID': 'mw-orion-4991',
'hash': 'MD5',
'tlCap': 21,
'systems': 619,
'civilization': 'Civilized'
'2632': {
'population': 0,
'importance extension': {
'importance': -1,
'expected ship traffic': 0
'_stellar': 'A6 II 10:A3 V G1 V',
'_trade codes': 'Wa Co Sa',
'pop mult': 0,
'primary': {
'spectral': 'A',
'position': 'primary',
'_uwp': ' A6 II',
'decimal': 6,
'spectral flux': 2,
'size': 'II',
'size flux': 3
'near companion': {
'spectral': 'G',
'orbit': '',
'decimal': 1,
'size': 'V'
'_uwp': '2632 Angindsan B89A002-0 Wa Co Sa 003',
'law level': 2,
'starport': 'B',
'hz variance': '+1',
'size': 8,
'hz': 9,
'_extensions': '{-1} (C04-3) [1151]',
'orbit': 4,
'atmosphere': 9,
'cultural extension': {
'acceptance': 1,
'symbols': 1,
'strangeness': 5,
'homogeneity': 1
'gas giants': 3,
'mainworld type': 'Far Satellite',
'government': 0,
'belt data': [],
'_bases': ' ',
'economic extension': {
'resources': 12,
'efficiency': -3,
'infrastructure': 4,
'labor': 0,
'ru': -144
'tech level': 0,
'planetoid belts': 0,
'tas': '',
'name': 'Angindsan',
'gas giant data': [
'number': 1,
'orbit': '14.21',
'satellites': 3,
'_uwp': 'YLGG000-0:3 ',
'size': 27,
'code': 'LGG',
'ringed': ''
'number': 2,
'orbit': '11.71',
'satellites': 5,
'_uwp': 'YLGG000-0:5 ',
'size': 28,
'code': 'LGG',
'ringed': ''
'number': 3,
'orbit': '12.81',
'satellites': 3,
'_uwp': 'YLGG000-0:3 ',
'size': 26,
'code': 'LGG',
'ringed': ''
'near star': {
'spectral': 'A',
'orbit': 10,
'_uwp': '10:A3 V hz7',
'decimal': 3,
'size': 'V',
'hz': 7
'hex': '2632',
'hydrographics': 10
[B][I] ...(and so on)...[/I][/B]
A sector using my verbose format below takes up a bit over 1 megabyte, and is a bit over 55,000 lines long.
That's a FAR CRY from a 30k SEC file.
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