Built with Traveller5.
This ship is a militarized variant of the Colonial Merchant Cruiser, which replaces all of the military trappings for passenger and freight space.
Colonial Mercenary Cruiser CPF-KU44 Crucis MCr397.7

Using a 1000-ton, TL13 hull, the Crucis-class Colonial Mercenary Cruiser mounts jump drive-V, maneuver drive-V, and power plant-V, giving a performance of jump-4 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 100t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/4 std. There is one captain's suite, 8 crew staterooms, 8 crew niches, a barracks for gunners and troops, and 8 emergency low berths. Installed weaponry include 1 Bay Missile Launcher, 2 B2 Particle Accelerators, 4 B2 Beam Lasers, 1 B2 Sandcaster, and 2 B2 DataCasters. Bolted-in defenses include one meson screen and one nuclear damper. Cargo capacity is 20 tons. The ship has an unstreamlined hull, and cannot enter an atmosphere.
Carried craft include 1 Fuel Boat (carries 29t fuel) and 3 Gigs. These craft are grappled to the hull. The ship has two pilots, two astrogators, one steward, three medics, four engineers, 15 gunners, and up to 7 ship's troops.
Overtonnage: 15 tons
Crew comfort: +0
This ship is a militarized variant of the Colonial Merchant Cruiser, which replaces all of the military trappings for passenger and freight space.
Colonial Mercenary Cruiser CPF-KU44 Crucis MCr397.7

Using a 1000-ton, TL13 hull, the Crucis-class Colonial Mercenary Cruiser mounts jump drive-V, maneuver drive-V, and power plant-V, giving a performance of jump-4 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 100t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/4 std. There is one captain's suite, 8 crew staterooms, 8 crew niches, a barracks for gunners and troops, and 8 emergency low berths. Installed weaponry include 1 Bay Missile Launcher, 2 B2 Particle Accelerators, 4 B2 Beam Lasers, 1 B2 Sandcaster, and 2 B2 DataCasters. Bolted-in defenses include one meson screen and one nuclear damper. Cargo capacity is 20 tons. The ship has an unstreamlined hull, and cannot enter an atmosphere.
Carried craft include 1 Fuel Boat (carries 29t fuel) and 3 Gigs. These craft are grappled to the hull. The ship has two pilots, two astrogators, one steward, three medics, four engineers, 15 gunners, and up to 7 ship's troops.
Overtonnage: 15 tons
Crew comfort: +0
Tons Component MCr Notes
------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------------------
1000 Unstreamlined Hull, lifters, 10 a/l 32 U, lifters, 10 a/l free
-5 No Landers 0
40 AV=56. 2 Blast Charged 0
0 AV=0. c Slick 0
400 Jump Fuel (4 parsecs) 0 4 parsec jump, at 100t per parsec
36 Plant Fuel (one month) 0 one month
105 Jump Drive-4 (V) 105 J 4
30.5 Mod PowerPlant V (R4) 30.5 R4
19.5 Mod Maneuver Drive V (R4) 39 R4
1 Fuel Transfer Pumps 1
0 AR Surf Communicator 2
0 AR Surf Jammer 2
0 AR Surf Scope 2
1 AR Ant Neutrino Detector 1.5
1 AR Ant EMS 1.5
0 AR Surf Stealth Mask 2
22 22x Magazine 0 #22 50 x Size-5
50 AR Bay Missile 5.2
20 2x LR B2 Particle Accelerator 29 #2
20 4x Vd B2 Beam Laser 18 #4
5 Vd B2 Sandcaster 4.1
10 2x Vd B2 DataCaster 10 #2
2 B Meson Screen 2
3 B Nuclear Damper 2
4 Computer Model/4 std 18
2 Life Support Long Term 2 40 person-months
1 Life Support Adaptable 1 10 sophonts
1 Life Support Luxury 1 10 high passengers
2 Clinic 1
1 Medical Low Berth 0.5
2 Counsellor 0.2
18 Gunner and Troop Barracks 1 (22) 4 sq + R4 O1/O2
8 8x Emergency Low Berth 4 #8 4 individuals
20 Spacious Bridge 1.2 3cc 6op 1ws
6 Officer Suite 0.4 fresher + safe
2 2x Crew Common Fresher 2 #2 10 crew
16 8x Crew Stateroom 0.8 #8 1 crew
8 8x Drive Tech and Medic Niches 0.8 #8 1 crew
40 10x Crew Commons 0 #10
20 Cargo Hold Basic 0
35 Fuel Boat (29t fuel) 13 m1 C
60 3x Gig 54 #3 m2 B C
8 8x Grapple 8 #8 1 pair per 35t
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