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Judges Guild: Glimmerdrift-class Subsidized Liner


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Built with Traveller5.

Subsidized Liner MK-FB13 Glimmerdrift MCr144.9

image (1).png

Using a 600-ton, TL12 hull, the MC&S Glimmerdrift-class Subsidized Liner (MC&S calls it a "Merchant") mounts jump drive-J, maneuver drive-C, and power plant-J, giving a performance of jump-3 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 3 parsec jump, at 60t per parsec, and six weeks of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/3. There are 30 staterooms and 80 low berths. Three empty single turrets are installed. Long-range sensors are present, including a front-mounted extendable radar dish. Cargo capacity is 124 tons. The ship has a braced hull.

The ship has nine crew (pilot, astrogator, medic, three engineers, and three stewards), and can carry 21 passengers and 80 low passengers.

   Tons     Component                                MCr    Notes
-------     -----------------------------------    -----    --------------------
    600     Braced Hull                               18    B
     -3     No Landers                                 0  
      0     AV=12. 1 Kinetic Plate                     0  
    180     Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)                     0    3 parsec jump, at 60t per parsec
   24.3     Plant Fuel (1.5 months)                    0    1.5 months
     50     Jump Drive-3 (J)                          50    J 3
      5     Maneuver Drive-1 (C)                      10    1 G
     28     Imp PowerPlant J (R3)                     28    R3
      2     LR Ant Communicator                      2.5  
      6     LR Ext Radar                               4  
      2     LR Ant Scope                             2.5  
      3     3x AR T1 Empty                           0.6    #3
      3     Computer Model/3 std                    10.5  
      2     Life Support Long Term                     2    40 person-months
      1     Life Support Luxury                        1    10 high passengers
      6     Standard Bridge                          0.6    1cc 4op 1ws
     18     9x Crew Stateroom                        0.9    #9 1 crew
     18     Crew Lounge                                0  
      1     Crew Common Fresher                        1    10 crew
     40     80x Low Berth                              8    #80 1 passenger
    124     Cargo Hold Basic                           0  
      2     Cargo Lock                                 0  
      1     2x Air Lock                              0.2    #2
     42     21x Standard Stateroom                   2.1    #21 1 passenger
     42     Passenger Lounge                           0  
      3     3x Common Fresher                          3    #3 10 passengers


  • ImJG MK-FB13 Glimmerdrift.acs.txt
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Well, yeah. Kind of limiting, but it's probably meant to run dedicated routes so it could either only hit worlds with highports or rely on shuttles from the downport.
Which is a problem given that part of the point of subsidized service is to set up transport for routes that don’t naturally support ships operating on traditional mortgage margins.

The major feature is J3, so jumps over routes Far Traders don’t go or at least ‘faster’ between two worlds. That can work for shuttle service between highpop worlds, but again would tend to be ‘naturally’ attractive to private outfits.

For the sort of bridging work this would be ideal for, too many are going to be starport C or less and should have some integral rough field capability.
Yeah, this is a niche market for sure. It looks like the Jump-3 rating allows it to bypass worlds without highports in its route.
Yeah, this is a niche market for sure. It looks like the Jump-3 rating allows it to bypass worlds without highports in its route.
Which makes sense for the private sector but not the subsidized market.

Even a 20-ton mini-boat or 2 gcarriers would open up more worlds and therefore ship sales.
That's very true. Makes you wonder why they did it that way. Their only defending lines seem to be:
Lack of atmospheric streamlining permits the ship to be optimized for ease of maintainance, low construction cost, and increased internal capacity. This type has proved very popular on regular runs between established planets.

So, apparently, it does make sense for "the subsidized market".
Most of the Judges Guild unstreamlined designs rely on smallcraft; this exception is unusual for sure.
I've just checked out a different Judges Guild design -- the Border Prowler -- and I think you guys are right. This liner has to be able to land, at least in a basic way, on worlds.