Built with Traveller5.
Yacht Y-BB11 Maranatha MCr 60.4

Using a 200-ton, TL12 hull, the MC&S Maranatha-class Yacht mounts advanced A-series drives, giving a performance of jump-1 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 2 parsec jump, at 16t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/1. There are four crew rooms, one owner-aboard suite, and ten passenger staterooms. There is one empty single turret installed. Cargo capacity is 13 tons. The ship has a braced hull.
Carried craft include 1 Custom Fast Boat, 1 enclosed Air/Raft, and 1 ATV. The boat can carry the ATV. The ship has 4 crew (pilot/astrogator, engineer, medic, and steward), and can carry 11 high passengers.
Overtonnage: 7 tons
Crew comfort: +0
Passenger demand: +1
Yacht Y-BB11 Maranatha MCr 60.4

Using a 200-ton, TL12 hull, the MC&S Maranatha-class Yacht mounts advanced A-series drives, giving a performance of jump-1 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 2 parsec jump, at 16t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/1. There are four crew rooms, one owner-aboard suite, and ten passenger staterooms. There is one empty single turret installed. Cargo capacity is 13 tons. The ship has a braced hull.
Carried craft include 1 Custom Fast Boat, 1 enclosed Air/Raft, and 1 ATV. The boat can carry the ATV. The ship has 4 crew (pilot/astrogator, engineer, medic, and steward), and can carry 11 high passengers.
Overtonnage: 7 tons
Crew comfort: +0
Passenger demand: +1
Tons Component MCr Notes
------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------------------
200 Braced Hull 6 B
-1 No Landers 0
0 AV=12. 1 Kinetic Plate 0
33 Jump Fuel (2 parsecs) 0 2 parsec jump, at 16t per parsec
2 Plant Fuel (one month) 0 one month
3.3 Adv Jump Drive A (R1) 10 R1
2 Maneuver Drive-1 (A) 4 R1
4 PowerPlant-1 (A) 4 R1
0 AR Surf Communicator 1.5
0 AR Surf Scope 1.5
1 AR Ant EMS 1.5
1 AR T1 Empty 0.2
1 Computer Model/1 std 1.5
2 Life Support Long Term 2 40 person-months
2 Clinic 1
1 Life Support Luxury 1 10 high passengers
1 Life Support Adaptable 1 10 sophonts
6 Standard Bridge 0.6 1cc 3op 2ws
8 4x Crew Stateroom 0.4 #4 1 crew
1 Crew Common Fresher 1 10 crew
8 Crew Lounge 0
13 Cargo Hold Basic 0
25 10x Stateroom with Fresher 6 #10 1 passenger
40 10x Passenger Lounge 0 #10
4 Air/Raft Enclosed 0.1
10 Hangar Lock 0
4 ATV 0.1
1 Grapple 1 1 pair per 35t
35 Custom Fast Boat 16 m1bis 3
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