Okay, I mocked up your suggested dimensions above, Dan, and from what I'm seeing you're a bit short on tonnage.
Aft section - 10.5 x 33 * 12 (4 decks) = 4158 cu m = 297 tons
Fore section - 10.5 x 27.5 x 12 (4 decks) = 3465 cu m = ~248 tons
Center section, including pinnaces = 2098 cu m = ~150 tons
Total = 695 tons total, 105 tons short.
I also mocked it up according to the original deckplan; the two aft sections are actually a bit wider (1.5 m) than the front section when you put a grid to it. By the original dimensions, I get -
Aft Section - 13.5 wide x 12 high x 32.5 long = 5265 cu m = 376 tons
Fore Section - 12 wide x 12 high x 30 long = 4320 cu m = 308 tons
Center section, including pinnaces = 2098 cu m = ~150 tons
Total = 834 tons total, 34 tons over but still within the 10% slop allowance, and those are just the numbers without beveling the boxes on the front and back. That overage will probably go down some once that's done. Doesn't leave a lot of room to do anything too crazy with the bridge, though.
I agree about shifting some of the fuel around and spreading it out some. I found the discrepancy on the original deckplans, too...whoever wrote the text just counted the grid squares as 1 meter, not 1.5 meters. Just an oversight in editing, I would guess. But, the plans are fairly close externally, so I think I'll run with that.
As for the original CT specs, my numbers came up identical to yours (not that I thought yours were wrong, I'm just sometimes anal-retentive about these things). I added in the 48 tons of additional fuel like the text says and come up with 40 tons left. A couple of lifeboats might not be a bad idea, but I think I'll run the design thru HG Shipyard and work out the numbers for that....
Ship: Unnamed
Class: Unnamed
Type: JG Type C Cruiser
Architect: Navanod
Tech Level: 12
C-8433352-000000-00000-0 MCr 485.708 800 Tons
Bat Bear Crew: 12
Bat TL: 12
Cargo: 83.000 Passengers: 17 Fuel: 312.000 EP: 24.000 Agility: 2
Craft: 2 x 40T Pinnace, 2 x 10T ATV, 1 x 4T Air/Raft
Architects Fee: MCr 4.857 Cost in Quantity: MCr 388.566
Detailed Description
800.000 tons standard, 11,200.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 5 Engineers, Medic, 4 Flight Crew
Jump-3, 3G Manuever, Power plant-3, 24.000 EP, Agility 2
Bridge, Model/5 Computer
8 Hardpoints
8 Triple Empty Turret
2 40.000 ton Pinnaces (Crew of 2, Cost of MCr 0.000), 2 10.000 ton ATVs (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.000), 1 4.000 ton Air/Raft (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.000)
312.000 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance, plus 48.000 tons of additional fuel)
No Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant
25.0 Staterooms, 17 Middle Passengers, 83.000 Tons Cargo
MCr 490.565 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 4.857), MCr 388.566 in Quantity
112 Weeks Singly, 90 Weeks in Quantity
Interesting...the only places it it come up different is 3 extra tons of cargo and the price. I built it as a close structure, which means we could add scoops and purification plants for basically 10 tons of cargo space (73 left with scoops/purification). Or, we could build it as a dispersed structure and keep the purification plant, so it has to rely on the pinnaces for wilderness refueling, which still takes up 10 tons of cargo.
Oddly enough, HG makes most of that extra 40 tons go away quite handily. Almost like they built it with HG, then decided to go back and do the Bk2 version.:rofl:
As for the ATVs, I thought about leaving them stowed in the pinnaces, but the ship is unstreamlined as written. So what do you do with them when you need the pinnaces for refueling? Probably better off keeping them in a couple of bays with airlocks big enough to mate to the pinnace...dock, drive the ATV on, and off you go.
As for the deckplans, I tend to section off areas by displacement, then work out component/access/common issues one that's done. I still use something fairly close to your method (1/2 component, 1/4 access, 1/4 common), but tend to keep the stateroom tonnage with the staterooms, engineering stuff in engineering, etc. It seems to all work out pretty close to the same.
Well, I think I've babbled enough for this morning. Let me know what you think...