Willie Dewitt
Again, I don't see this as a derailment of the thread at all. You're playing the manner the rules of Classic Traveler Books 1-3 were meant to be played -- and in doing so find that a Jump-1 ship works great in play.
Your game is a terrific illustration of the game working properly. That's right on point.
The classic character creation did a lot to put a little meat on my notion of how the first couple of games would go. Not just the fact that the Merchant player ended up with a Free Trader (probably the most significant indicator of how things would pan out early on), but just the character backgrounds the players extrapolated from their successes and failures in the Chargen (I should mention here that I allowed entry into another service if they failed to re-up early on in a career). One female player, with high intelligence and education and who should have had a promising career, failed to reenlist in the navy early on. She blamed it on a sexual harassment complaint against a superior that backfired on her. Her anger led her to enlist, almost suicidally, into the Scouts. Another party member was a high social cast guy (a Marquis) who had a long and promising naval officer career (yet another female player also had a good naval career). Another was a streewise merchant (son of a sketchy used air raft dealer) who got the (20 year old) Free Trader. All these disparate personalities brought together to crew the ship.
Although I had the initial game or two sort of sketched out (edit: actually, I think I had planned several planetside games on that first planet until I had decided where the campaign should go...it was the presence of the Free Trader that made leaving sooner than later an imperative. The owner wanted to start making money), it was the Free Trader and these particularly (for Traveller) colorful characters that would help flesh out the skeleton of the ongoing games. That these characters would be generally out for themselves, in some cases a bit bitter, and that they would attract similar minded NPC's helped set the tone of things. Get this Free Trader going and let's make a buck. ▮▮▮▮▮▮ anybody else. Somewhat amoral characters (certainly not really heroes) when these same players would often run heroic types in other genres.
Yeah, I loved how the Chargen and the general implications of the CT original books guided me in many ways. As I had really forgotten the rules from my childhood, it was somewhat unexpected, and really helped light a fire under my a$$ as a GM. There gaming veterans kind of balked at not fully designing their own PC's. That the Chargen led to them making assumptions based on the results that emerged that then led to colorful characters coming out of a fairly simple system still sort of awes me. But it's that 1 jump Free Trader that really set the overall tone. And I actually originally considered denying them a ship should one come up. I'm glad I didn't!
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