Schrödinger's starship: Did it jump or not?
Oh, it Jumped - the question is, "Is it at Departure A, Deztination Z, or anywhere in between?"
THe answer is, based upon what's there, informed by the drafts, probably best explained by ATPollard's description - the stretched rubber band...
Tho' I can't find (or don't recognize) a particular table for determining how far one gets on an attempted jumps.
I've argued against the wave-function collapse model since it first cropped up. I much prefer the parabola through J-Space (Which, coincidentally, doesn't use the jump-line). And the parabola model also avoids most of the entanglement issues with intervening bodies. It's simpler, easier to rule as a GM, and makes for a better universe to play in.
The Jumpline model does restrict the utility of hop and skip drives, but at a strong price for jump drives. It also should result in major systems trade ships being million ton monsters or more - less to track. And if long cylinders, they should block less....
And to Vladika: Quantum Physics is strongly grounded in experimental models. Wave Function Collapse is the only way to explain the behavior of wavicles (particles that have wavelike function, namely photons and electrons), and is widely accepted, because it's the best fit to the data.
And T5 is playable out of the RAW. Doesn't make for a familiar TU, but it is playable. I've seen unplayable games - key chunks missing, etcetera; they're bloody rare, and I've seen difficult to play, which is more common. (I've about 20 milk crates filled with RPG materials, and have played and run most of them - hundreds of games.)