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Jumps, Time to Orbit, to 10D and 100D

I have to agree with Mert. I haven't found anything canonical that says a jump is a straight line in normal space. There are implications to that effect (else why would shadowing ever have come up in GT?). But I haven't seen a direct statement. So I think the question a fair one. I think most of us have presumed it straight, but that proves little.

I think the fact is that the 100D limit for a lot of stars in the OTU will actually get out over the hab band. Citizen Thrash did the math I think (or someone else did) and it is a surprising number.

Of course, Larsen is right. If one does not like it, one need not use it. But if one likes it, one may well still struggle to understand and apply it (a lot the way I feel about gearhead construction rules from MT or TNE....).