The Missiles special supplement introduced the rules for relative vector adding to the damage of a contact hit.
Well, Kilemall talked about Mayday, and the fact in Mayday missiles don't need to roll for hiting, they just explode if they reach their target without being blown away by point defense/ECMs, again makes me think they are proximity fuses...
Yes, but that is just silly...]|
I'd say just wrongly phrased, not really silly...
So if the ship is moving away from the missile, more hits.
If the ship is moving towards the missile, damage is reduced, contrary to any logic.
Example: The target ship is moving at 1000 mm/turn at 0°. The missile is approaching from behind at 1100 mm/turn at 0°. Real relative speed is 100 mm/turn. Calculated impact speed is 1000 + 1100 = 2100 mm/turn. Silly.
Better would be to do something like Impact speed = |Vmissile| + |Vtarget| × cos φ, where φ is the angle between the vectors.
Or at least Impact speed = |Vmissile - Vtarget|
Too complex for my taste, s it would probably need a calculator (and, by the way, how would ange be used in your formula)?).
Wouldn't be easier just to say the substraction of the two vectors (remembr that if they are opposite, subtracting them adds the speeds)?
As you're playing with vectors representing them with past and future positions, with a simple set square from any drawing kit you can easily calculate the linear vector to be added or subtracted, not needing a calculator...
(note: I hope I explained myself good enough, though I'm far from sure about it)