The Following ship was designed using MgT rules, with a little form MGT High Guard, and a made up component I pulled out of thin air.
1000 ton Hull 100Mcr
Streamlining ( 10 Mcr)
Aerofins ( 50 tons, 5 Mcr, +2 to pilot in atmospehere)
Self Sealing (10 Mcr)
Armour: Crystaliron, 8 points (100 tons 40 MCr)
P plant: H, 2 (25 tons 64 Mcr)
M drive: H, 2G (15 tons 32 MCr)
J drive: H, J2 (45 tons, 80 MCr)
Fuel 1 J2 + 4 weeks (232 tons)
Running total: 467 tons 431 Mcr)
Bridge: 20 tons 5 Mcr
Computer: model 3 2 Mcr
Jump control/2 (0.2 Mcr)
Sensors: Basic Military 2 tons, 1 Mcr)
5 triple beam laser turrets ( 5 tons, 20 Mcr)
2 pilots
1 naviagtor
2 engineers
1 medic
5 gunners
1 officers
total: 12 crew, 8 staterooms (32 tons, 4 MCr)
Gravtic cargo Lift: 10 tons, 4 Mcr
cargo: 464 tons.
Total cost: 467.2 Mcr
monthly running costs:
life support: 18,000 cr/month
maintenance: 38,693 Cr/month
total per month: 56,693 Cr/month
mortgage: 1.946 MCr/month
total monthly costs with mortgage: 2,003,359 Cr/Month
1000 ton Hull 100Mcr
Streamlining ( 10 Mcr)
Aerofins ( 50 tons, 5 Mcr, +2 to pilot in atmospehere)
Self Sealing (10 Mcr)
Armour: Crystaliron, 8 points (100 tons 40 MCr)
P plant: H, 2 (25 tons 64 Mcr)
M drive: H, 2G (15 tons 32 MCr)
J drive: H, J2 (45 tons, 80 MCr)
Fuel 1 J2 + 4 weeks (232 tons)
Running total: 467 tons 431 Mcr)
Bridge: 20 tons 5 Mcr
Computer: model 3 2 Mcr
Jump control/2 (0.2 Mcr)
Sensors: Basic Military 2 tons, 1 Mcr)
5 triple beam laser turrets ( 5 tons, 20 Mcr)
2 pilots
1 naviagtor
2 engineers
1 medic
5 gunners
1 officers
total: 12 crew, 8 staterooms (32 tons, 4 MCr)
Gravtic cargo Lift: 10 tons, 4 Mcr
cargo: 464 tons.
Total cost: 467.2 Mcr
monthly running costs:
life support: 18,000 cr/month
maintenance: 38,693 Cr/month
total per month: 56,693 Cr/month
mortgage: 1.946 MCr/month
total monthly costs with mortgage: 2,003,359 Cr/Month