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Korr Scout-Interceptor (Type SI-K)

Link to Ship Fillform PDF

((EDITED based on feedback. New deckplan is above.))

[The following is part of a packet I'm developing IMTU, a minor race with delusions of grandeur, the Korr. The Korr's dramatic function can vary, sometimes they're the dumb brutes, the greedy bad guys manipulated by someone smarter. Sometimes they're just annoying or difficult. Sometimes just flavor, when you're tired of seeing yet another Vargr or Aslan.

Here's one of their ships. I tried to get a design philosophy for the Korr first, and then build the ship around that. Comments welcome.]

(Mongoose Traveller Rules)

Type SI-K – Korr Scout/Interceptor – TL 11
Hull: 100 tons, Streamlined
Armor: Titanium Steel, 10%. Armor 4.
J-Drive: A
M-Drive: B
P-Plant: B
Computer: Model/1 bis
Sensors: Standard
Fuel: 28 tons (1 Jump-2 and 2 weeks operations)
Staterooms: 4
Low Berths: 0
Fuel Scoops Installed
Fuel Processors: 1 ton
Vehicles: Air/Raft
Weapons: Triple Turret - Pulse Laser / Pulse Laser / Missile Launcher
Cargo: 10 tons.
Maintenance Costs: 3,518cr / month
Life Support Costs: 8,000 / month
Total Cost: 42,220,000

The Ptrin Korrazor class Scout-Interceptor is the earliest build put out by the Korr Grand Armada. Essentially, the SI-K is a couple of modular engineering sections dragging the rest of the ship in an ungainly-looking, lopsided wing configuration. With aspirations of achieving notoriety and respect in the sector, the first Korr engineers to get their hands on M and Jump drive technology raced to create their first fleet of jump capable ships: early versions of the SI-K. Those early ships were cobbled together en masse from modular containers (which Korr factories made thousands of) and could only achieve Thrust-1 and Jump-1. As the Korr expanded and acquired more technological savvy, they began to build newer versions with better drives and plants, but the old modular designs remained.

The Korr philosophy of shipbuilding is one-upsmanship with neighboring sophonts in raw power and speed, usually at the expense of systems other races might consider important. The SI-K meets this philosophy in terms of speed, primarily; it can achieve Thrust-4, making it significantly faster than most Scout-sized vessels. Much of its 100 tons is taken up with a Class B Manoeuvre Drive, the Class B Power Plant required to power it, and the 28 tons of fuel needed to run the Power Plant for 2 weeks and one Jump-2. This means the rest of the ship is cramped, crowded, and considering the age of most of these vessels, unpleasant, even to the Korr. Engineering itself is packed so tightly that crew have to duck under the Jump Drive conduit to traverse from side of the ship to the other. There are four staterooms for crew. Originally, the KGA envisioned 8 crew in double occupancy: 1 captain, 1 engineer, 1 gunner, 1 navigator, and 4 marines who would also crew the included Air/Raft, allowing for a fast ship to deliver a small assault team. However, the tension of all those crew in such a small space caused difficult morale issues, and crew requirements were relaxed. The SI-K could theoretically be flown with one skilled Pilot, but most crews also include an Engineer and Gunner/Marine. One triple turret is mounted within the bridge module, and standard armaments are 2 pulse lasers and a missile launcher, though in the after-market, any sort of weaponry can be found on the hardpoint.

The SI-K is somewhat infamous for its mechanical and structural problems. Some engineers claim that the ships are more bonding agent than original metal any more. The truth is that the Korr preferred atmosphere gasses inside the mass-constructed hulls of cheap metals cause corrosion and wear that must be checked and repaired frequently, and the age of some of the ships means parts wear out and must be replaced constantly. Every KGA Ptrin Korrazor carries at least one Engineer who works long hours keeping the ship operational. In fact, the ship's locker reflects this fact: originally built large to house the arms for the ship's marines, most SI-K lockers have gotten rid of weapons to make room for spare parts. The only positive to the SI-K's mechanical woes is that its low Tech requirements make finding parts and making repairs easier from system to system. Only the Jump Drive and computer software need Tech level 11, the rest of the ship is repairable at Tech level 9.

Since so many of these ships have been made over the years, there are many variations found in the after-market. The most common is the reduction of the Power Plant and M-Drive to types A, and the removal of the Interceptor role. While this reduces the ship to Thrust-2, the ship's reduced fuel requirement means 8 more tons is either relocated to cargo or the fuel is kept, giving the SI-K(a) 2 more weeks of operation. For those seeking a Jump capable ship for a real bargain, there are a few dozen of the original SI-K's flying around, though they have been declared obsolete. These SI-K(o) ships have early, inefficient power plants and M-drives, meaning they can only make Thrust-1, yet require 2 tons of fuel/week. Likewise, the J-Drive can only make Jump-1, but requires 20 tons of fuel for it. These hundred-year-old ships are a bargain, however their monthly maintenance cost is double that of the more modern SI-Ks, and mechanical breakdowns are frequent.

Special Thanks: Dan "Far-Trader" Burns

SI-K(a): Power Plant: A, M-Drive: A, [Fuel: 24 tons (2 Weeks, 1 Jump-2), Cargo: 18 tons], Hardpoint: Empty, cost: 27,470,000cr.

SI-K(o): Power Plant: <A, M-Drive: <A, J-Drive: <A (Thrust-1, Jump-1), Fuel 24 tons (2 weeks, 1 Jump-1), Cargo: 18 tons, Hardpoint: Empty. Maintenance costs doubled. Cost: 16,500,000cr.
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Your Korr seem pretty aggressive, but you've got 10 tons cargo and a 4-ton air/raft. Why not add a 6-ton fighter modeled on that little Broadsword-adventure missile fighter, and a pilot to fill that fourth stateroom?
Minor nitpicks ;)

For a "cramped and crowded" ship you have about 30tons dedicated to the 4 staterooms and galley (common) area which should be closer to half that (16tons total) at standard tonnage depiction. It really doesn't have that cramped and crowded look there.

How does one get from the bridge to the quarters side? The jump drive appears to be solidly blocking any access through engineering.

Love the ideas, write-up, and look of the ship though :)
Kind of a poor layout wouldn't you think? Why not put the cargo and fuel where the staterooms and galley are and put those over by the bridge so that the crew and their operating positions are all grouped together.
The way is now, everytime you change watches the bridge crew has to go through the engine rooms. The same is true of the turret gunner when manning up for combat.
Flipping the engines and airlock / ship's stores position would make sense then too. That puts the engines next to the majority of the fuel and where the crew isn't travelling through them all the time.
I'd also have both fuel processors on one side of the ship near the fuel tanks in that redesign. That groups them with the engineering plant and right next to the bulk of the fuel.

The air raft bay could continue to be where it is accessed by a passageway when needed.
EDIT: updated doodling below...

Kind of a poor layout wouldn't you think?

On purpose I think, likewise the slightly non-symetrical elements. Both of which I sort of like, however...

Why not... <snippage>



Once I had a look at it, I liked it, but my nature is to meddle and doodle :)

No IP theft or criticism intended LiminalMask. This is flattery through imitation. I just like to shift things to my TU liking and the above is where I'm at so far. Needs more engineering work (as in I need to look up the tonnages and do them, but I like the general layout), and the profile finished (very rough start just below the plans), and some explanations (like the "wing" tanks are 4tons fuel per side and the bulky 20ton main jump tank is the big one), and figure out where to put the turret (right now I'm leaning to a nose turret in front of the power plant)...

...anyway, there's some of my thoughts illustrated, for whatever they're worth :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, want to make it truly cramped and crowded? Because even reducing the quarters tonnage to actually 16tons per my plans it still looks roomy even for double occupancy here's another take on the original crewing :file_22:

Pilot and Astrogator (command officers - bridge stations x2 fwd): shared rear stateroom

Engineer (engineering station), Sensors and Commo (bridge stations x2 aft): hot bunk 2nd stateroom

Gunner (turret station), Troops x2: hot bunk 3rd stateroom

Troop Leader (bridge station x1 center), Troops x2: hot bunk 4th stateroom
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Hey everyone, thanks for the comments. I'll try to address them one by one.

Your Korr seem pretty aggressive, but you've got 10 tons cargo and a 4-ton air/raft. Why not add a 6-ton fighter modeled on that little Broadsword-adventure missile fighter, and a pilot to fill that fourth stateroom?

It's true they are an aggressive race in general. However, they're also not terribly inventive; clever in certain ways, but pretty singleminded in how they do things. I don't have the stats of the 6 ton fighter you mentioned, but my feeling is that the Korr wouldn't have the tech for a fighter like that, or at least, if they did they wouldn't stick one in their oldest model ship. If they need a fighter, they'll probably throw whatever's around at the problem, which would likely mean the SI-K would serve as a fighter.

As for the cargo and air/raft, the air/raft has a bay with its own tonnage, while the cargo hold is probably carrying missiles for the launcher and other supplies for the crew and their mission.

You know, I was originally going to have the ship fitted with an ATV bay, because it seemed more true to character for the Korr and less 'high tech'. However, Mongoose Traveller rules put the Tech Level for ATVs at 12 (!) while Air/Rafts are only 8. And I wanted the design to be low tech.

I'll mull that fighter idea over. Thanks!

For a "cramped and crowded" ship you have about 30tons dedicated to the 4 staterooms and galley (common) area which should be closer to half that (16tons total) at standard tonnage depiction. It really doesn't have that cramped and crowded look there.

Ah, that could be a misunderstanding on my part. I believe 2 x 1.5m floorplan squares = 1 ton, but I didn't realize the Galley area was included in Stateroom tonnage. If that's the case, I'll have to rework that.

How does one get from the bridge to the quarters side? The jump drive appears to be solidly blocking any access through engineering.

I envision them ducking under the Jump Drive (like a long drive shaft or conduit or other technobabble appliance is a few feet off the deck, with enough space for people to duck under) or a ladder to a short platform across the top of it, then down another ladder. Anything to make Engineering uncomfortable.

Did you mean for it to have that kind of offset design?

Yes. It's a reflection of Korr engineering. They don't consider elegance of form, only get the thing built! If you'll look, the M-Drive is on the center line. I wanted the ship to appear ungainly and thrown-together out of whatever was lying around. In this case, they had a bunch of standard size containers. "Put an engine in that one! Put the power plant in that other one!" "Then what?" "I dunno, they're engines, stick them together!" (Read this in Cave Johnson's voice.)

Kind of a poor layout wouldn't you think? Why not put the cargo and fuel where the staterooms and galley are and put those over by the bridge so that the crew and their operating positions are all grouped together.

I actually considered swapping the two 'wings' as you said. I may still do it. However, the reason I resisted is to reflect the nature of the Korr and their lack of efficient designs. I wanted the ship to be a pain in the backside to move around in, because it's an old, crappy ship made by novice engineers who were under heavy pressure to "build us a fleet!" so they didn't really give much consideration to these questions. "It needs 4 staterooms. It has 4 staterooms. What's the problem?"

And thanks for the interesting take on the design, Far-Trader. You widened the wings, I see, which oddly enough was what I had done before. I thought it looked better, but then I noticed that the ship was carrying too much tonnage in layout, so narrowed them as part of trying to get that down. I'll revisit the design.

Thanks for the feedback, all!
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If as indicated, it is a cheap modular design then another option would be to take (I'd use Far Trader's version but the original will work too) the two big pods and cut out the cross over section. Weld the two side by side and then put the engines and airlock at the rear in between them, or on top of the two as another option.
...Ah, that could be a misunderstanding on my part. I believe 2 x 1.5m floorplan squares = 1 ton, but I didn't realize the Galley area was included in Stateroom tonnage. If that's the case, I'll have to rework that.

You have the tonnage definition correct (2 x 1.5m floorplan squares = 1 ton... IF 3m height of course) and while many deckplans show staterooms as 4 full tons and then add common spaces (galley, access, etc.) on top of that, it would be more accurate to use about half the stateroom tonnage (2tons) for the actual room and use the other half for the common spaces. A little overage is to be expected though I usually don't find it necessary. It will make it a little more the cramped look you're going for I think :) Have a look at my updated more or less finished take in my post on page 1 for an example.

I envision them ducking under the Jump Drive (like a long drive shaft or conduit or other technobabble appliance is a few feet off the deck, with enough space for people to duck under) or a ladder to a short platform across the top of it, then down another ladder. Anything to make Engineering uncomfortable.

Of course! I should have twigged on that :) I like it! Usually I'll denote such by using a slightly lighter shade for the area that is not full or nearly and permits some access through. Again see my updated post on page 1 for an example. I went with a duck under the power plant conduits (to Man and Jump) and a small bridge (with low overhead as well) over the bulkier jump conduits (between feed and vent).

Yes. It's a reflection of Korr engineering. They don't consider elegance of form, only get the thing built! If you'll look, the M-Drive is on the center line. I wanted the ship to appear ungainly and thrown-together out of whatever was lying around. In this case, they had a bunch of standard size containers. "Put an engine in that one! Put the power plant in that other one!" "Then what?" "I dunno, they're engines, stick them together!" (Read this in Cave Johnson's voice.)

I for one did notice the center line maneuver, very good. And the modular standard shapes and sizes, also good. I've tried to return more of that in my take. I think I'm still too... tidy? rational? clean? :)

I noticed the armour and started thinking maybe I could clutter it up with some standard heavy plates...

"It needs some protection for the drives, weld a big piece of that battle plate on the front. And some over the bridge too! Heck use it all up, it's not enough to cover the whole hull but do what you can." (Also in Cave Johnson's voice, I suppose, though I'm missing the reference... ahh, Portal, Aperture Science, maybe? )

And thanks for the interesting take on the design, Far-Trader. You widened the wings, I see, which oddly enough was what I had done before. I thought it looked better, but then I noticed that the ship was carrying too much tonnage in layout, so narrowed them as part of trying to get that down. I'll revisit the design.

You're very welcome, don't let it unduly influence though, I like the whole thing (your work) too much.

Yeah, the wings just begged to be wider :) So I made them skinnier (down to about .75m thickness) to get the tonnage down. Still doodling the profile to show it though.
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You know, I was originally going to have the ship fitted with an ATV bay, because it seemed more true to character for the Korr and less 'high tech'. However, Mongoose Traveller rules put the Tech Level for ATVs at 12 (!) while Air/Rafts are only 8.

Uh, what? You're kidding me, TL-12 for an ATV?? I don't own any Mongoose material, and now I'm thinking maybe that's a good thing. Somebody should tell them that grav vehicles are a bit higher tech than tracked or wheeled vehicles.
Uh, what? You're kidding me, TL-12 for an ATV?? I don't own any Mongoose material, and now I'm thinking maybe that's a good thing. Somebody should tell them that grav vehicles are a bit higher tech than tracked or wheeled vehicles.

Yeah, CT had that righter with TL6 for the monstrous ATV's. I'm trying to recall where the TL12 versions were introduced but am drawing a blank. I seem to recall it being before MgT though. One would imagine though that a TL12 ATV would have several things going for it that a TL6 ATV wouldn't.
I really like the asymmetrical design. I was going to comment that humans usually don't do that sort of asymmetry until I read the write-up.

One thing I might do is to suggest a bit more tonnage for fuel to give it more endurance. Two weeks gives it time to jump and then putter around for just a little bit. And if they're even a bit late getting to the gas giant (or whatever) to refuel, the Korr have lost another fighter even if they don't care about the crew.
I've been playing around with the design for about three hours and feel the need to play with it some more. So I'm not going to post anything tonight. There are elements to the design I'm trying to keep (The crew/cargo/airraft module) that make sense to me. I'm also wanting to add life support and computers. Since my stamps are going to make it more than the original design, I want him to have a second Korr ship to add to their arsnel...
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Yeah, CT had that righter with TL6 for the monstrous ATV's. I'm trying to recall where the TL12 versions were introduced but am drawing a blank. I seem to recall it being before MgT though. One would imagine though that a TL12 ATV would have several things going for it that a TL6 ATV wouldn't.

CT, MT, T4: 6
TNE: 7 (T)/8 (W)
T20, MgT: 12