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Least Favorite CT Product

Originally posted by William:
For me, it's all of the above. I can live with the maps. But what I can't stand is the often randomly generated garbage that is simultaneously too detailed - if I'm writing with an eye to publication, I must use this source - and not detailed enough or detailed with silly data - yet another A212A20 2 orbiting a M0V, M2V, M9V trinary system and in the life zone too? (ok, that one is made up, but there are too many that are just as bad.)
Picking nits, the published AotI doesn't have that type of info, it's just maps. Sure the source-data used to generate those maps (which was later uploaded onto GEnie) is totally random and frequently nonsensical, but most/all of the real 'howlers' get lost in the grain of the Atlas itself -- f'rinstance, with your example world, all AotI would show is that it's starport A, hydro >0, HiPop (and whether it has any gas giants and/or bases present). At that level of detail, the GM gets a general idea of what's out there, but still has plenty of room to maneuver creatively.

Yeah, the DGP* "detail EVERYTHING" approach is usually a mistake -- and when it means relying on random, un-proofed, and un-logic-checked data it's definitely a mistake -- but AotI didn't go that far, and IMO strikes something of a happy medium.

*Note FWIW that the AotI actually pre-dates DGP, and that (per their 'self-interview' in TD21) it was seeing AotI and studying its maps that first inspired them to create The Traveller's Digest and its Grand Tour. But then OTOH I believe it was DGP who then posted the buggy AotI source-data onto GEnie, so I suppose your blame is well-placed after all...
Funny how much the Atlas goes for on e-Bay considering how much it's disdained by "real" Traveller players.
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
Funny how much the Atlas goes for on e-Bay considering how much it's disdained by "real" Traveller players.
Some like it and are willing to pay for it. Some, like me, don't; but OTOH, you should see the stupid amounts I've been willing to pay for old Freedonian Air and Space Administration Trav materials...

For me it came down to CT Book 8. The DGP writing style was just too different from GDW's and the robot design system was just no fun to use. (Much like the MT ship building system was for me). Truth be told, I didn't much like the Darrian alien module either for basically the same reason.
1001 Characters and Forms and Charts are the most worthless IMHO, Robots was interesting, though mostly useless. AotI must be about the only thing that I don't own, so I can't comment on that. JG stuff was interesting, but extremely poor quality in paper (The sector stuff is very good). I love the FASA and Paranoia Press stuff. Gamelords did some nice stuff too.
I would have to say the "Fighting Ships" supplement was the worst IMHO. Poor designs, lousy art. I felt like I'd wasted my money on that one.

OTOH I liked "Forms and Charts." Got some real use out of that press card.
1001 characters,

When I can't make up the stats of an NPC on the fly, I'll hand in my DM's badge. The names were fractionally more useful, but a phone book contains more and has additional information (street addresses and such like) that can fill in a character a little.

One of my players purchased it when we were heavliy into CT.
I love forms and charts,... its just fun especially the ID cards. Plus I get tired of college ruled paper for my stuff... I just break out the old typewriter and Viola!!
I usded Charts and Forms a lot.

I thought giving my characters ID cards and 'in game' paperwork would make for cheap props to help them get into the game. In later years It join the pile of LLB's that I never cracked open.