Here is a draft of my idea for the Living Traveller Project. Feel free to flame or praise...
The RPGA is a gaming organisation with worldwide membership. It currently runs a myriad of campaigns including Wizard of the Coast’s Living Greyhawk, Living Force as well as other company games like FFG’s Living Dragonstar and AEG’s Living Spycraft. Many of these games are controlled either by members serving in a voluntary capacity, or by the publishers of the games.
A Living campaign has many advantages. Since there is a common ‘ground rules’ for each campaign, players can easily bring a character and join any available gaming session, even if the players come from different cities and/or countries. There is also a strong ‘world building’ element, where members help create adventures, organisations and characters that help create rich details.
Traveller has always had these element, as shown by the works in the old (and new e-zine) Journal of the Traveller’s Aid Society, the Citizens of the Galaxy web zine, the work of the History of the Imperium Working Group and the plethora of web pages currently on the web dedicated to Traveller.
The Living Traveller Project (LTP) proposes that by combining the skills and imagination of the Traveller community, combines with the mechanisms that the RPGA provides, in creating a new Living Traveller campaign.
The following is a proposal only, nothing within this document should be considered concrete. However, I believe that this document will form the base needed to create the Living Traveller campaign, and allow common reference for discussions.
1. Rule systems.
One of the issues to be dealt with Traveller is the choice of rule systems. There are currently three versions of the system available commercially (GURPS Traveller and Traveller 20, and Classic Traveller) as well as older out of print versions (MegaTraveller and Traveller: The New Era).
The Living Traveller Project proposes to not to make a decision on preferred rule system. Instead, LTP proposes that each rule system is allocated an Imperial Domain.
For example:
Rule System Domain
Classic Traveller Deneb (Spinward Marches, Corridor and Deneb sectors)
Traveller 20 Gateway Domain (Ley, Gateway et al sectors)
GURPS Traveller Solomani Rim (Solomani Rim, Diaspora, Alpha Crucis, Old Expanse)
By using domain system, players have access to rule system specific backgrounds, as well as use the rich background available for that domain published for those rule system. This also reduces the need for a campaign book (like the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer). However, each domain will need to create rules and policies for play in that domain (for example character generation and experience) which may necessitate creation of a domain specific book or document.
2. Organisation of Domains
At the start, the LTP will concentrate on Gateway (to tie in with the T20 system) and if the demand is there, Deneb and Solomani Rim (for CT and GURPS respectively). Each domain will have a person in charge (PIC). The PIC will either be appointed by the company producing the rules set used in that domain, mechanisms used in the RPGA (as defined by the RPGA) or chosen by the players in that domain. It will be the job of the PIC (and whatever mechanism is decided to be created to support the PIC) to approve modules to be played in that domain and how to adapt modules from other domains so that they are playable in the PIC’s domain.
3. Module Adaptations
Modules should be written in such a way that uses a specific domain and that it uses the rule set designated for that domain. This is not to say however that the module is for the sole use for that domain.
Using a mechanism like that found in BITS publications, and using cliché ships, vehicles, alien races and technology, it will not be difficult for PIC of other domains to approve adaptations for their particular domain.
For example, a module of a hijack attempt on a Far Trader can be easily adapted for all systems as the Far Trader is a cliché ship, and the weapons and characters can also be cliché. An attack on a Tigress would be harder, as statistics for the ship would not be available in all systems, unless someone made the effort to design one for the rules systems that currently do not have stats for one.
The use of the word cliché should not be seen in a negative light, but in reference of items and ideas that are common throughout Traveller’s canon.
By this token, a module set on a particular world in Ley sector could be converted to either Solomani Rim or Spinward Marches if there is a world with the same or similar UWP, and that it does not use specific domain only plot elements. Even those with specific domain plot elements could be changes (i.e. a SolSec operation in the Solomani Rim could be changed to a Zhodani operation in the Spinward Marches).
4. Time of Campaign
The proposed period for the LTP is 1000 Imperial (5518 A.D). This is the default period of the T20 product range, and also offers advantages for other systems. The Solomani Rim War is in full swing, tension is high between the Imperium and Zhodani, and it is also the period of the IISS Second Survey.
5. Time keeping.
In Living Greyhawk timekeeping (in terms of Time Units) is an important element (this is a mechanism to regulate the amount of modules played in a calendar year). In LTP, I propose we use Time Units as well, to allow the information generated by the modules to be used in a LTP Traveller News Service style information system for players and referees. Each new year in real time represents a new year game time (starting from year 1000). Each module will take 1 to 2 TU (equivalent to 7 days per time unit) and each jump is equivalent to 1 TU.
This will mean that initially, all modules set in a domain should be grouped in or round a small group of planets. However, if the campaign grows (as it is hoped), players will have lots of flexibility in where they play in the domain, if they are willing to spend the TU’s to get there.
Another system to regulate time can be simply allowing 2 modules to be played per player per month. This will prevent strange date calculations (i.e. a player playing less Living Traveller would have to sacrifice many TU’s to play a module with a player who has played regularly).
6. News
As mentioned before, it is envisioned that as part of the LTP, a TNS style news system be used as part of the Living Traveller campaign. This will serve three purposes.
i. To generate interest in upcoming modules.
ii. To allow players to have their actioned become part of the Living Traveller campaign.
iii. To allow players in other domains and non Living Traveller players stay abreast of activities occurring within the campaign.
7. Trade and other meta-activities
“Trade is the lifeblood of the Imperium”. And so shall it be in Living Traveller. Players should be encouraged to conduct trade throughout the Living campaign. Each domain should use its own rules specific trade system. At the end of each campaign year, the players who achieve the best trade could be given an award (though I believe that GT:Far Trader should be used throughout the LTP as it allows full mapping of trade within a sector, domain and the whole Imperium)
Each module could contain a mini module containing trade options for the world(s) that the module is set on (and planets within 1 jump of the world the modules are set on). I also believe that players may chose to forgo modules and just conduct trade operations. A series of mini modules could be provided for each domain to allow free form trade games to be conducted easily. This should be seen as a strong point of the Living Traveller campaign, compared with other Living campaigns.
If this feature works, the LTP could add other meta-activities into the campaign. Likely options would be Trillion Credit Squadron games, Striker campaigns and other meta games that are available for the rule system (or created for/by players for their domain).
8. Meta Orgs.
Some of the major elements in Living campaigns is Meta Orgs, or organisations that give players access to character classes, skills and equipment within the game. In Traveller there are some famous meta-orgs which do not need creating (i.e. SolSec, Megacorps, Navy, Army, Marines, Scouts, Starport Authorities, Imperial bureaucracies et al). These do not have to be created at the same level as other campaigns, as they are very much defined with Traveller canon. However, domain specific rules may need to be created, and at a later date, there may be scope for players playing meta-org campaigns (that is, a campaign set wholly within an organisation, like a Naval or Scout campaign).
There is a large scope available for a Living Traveller campaign. I believe there is interest available to allow the creation of a strong and vibrant community of players and referees that will promote the playing of Traveller.