• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Looking for a game: Chicago, IL

2d6, paper, cash for coffee.

If Ranger can’t make it we have two options.
1) I have a regular group in Bartlett that meets on Sunday, guests are welcome if you want to do a cameo and don’t mind jumping (pun) into the middle of a campaign.

2) We meet in the Starbuck’s and you play two or three characters. If anybody else can make it the floor will be open.
How about 1:00pm for a meet time. Gives us five hours till dinner and then we see how it goes. LAter will work as well. Just not 4:00-6:00pm rush hours are hell on I-355
Hey guys,

Yes, I am around, sort of. I've been down with some kind of nasty bug since getting back from AZ. Mostly mended but still not 100%. I'm up for Sundays, but the 28th is probably the first one I can make.
Well, I think I can do the Bartlett thing (if I can remember where that is). What game are they playing? And then I could roll a character or something, too.
Kafoomp . . .(silence)

That is the noise of explosive plan decompression.
Last night my little girl (12 months old) did not sleep a wink. She has come down with some godawful cold and has thrown a monkey wrench into all my plans.
Despite my best efforts the Sunday plan will not work. Next week my babysitter will not be available so I am gonna have to put Traveller plans on hold for the time being.

It will happen just not now.
First Sunday in February is my Mom's birthday, so that's out for me. Sorry to hear about your little one being sick. Hope she feels better. Want to make sure all three can make it for the next try?
Hello, i just found his forum. I live in Elmwood Park, a Chicago suburb, but i dont have a car.

I was wondering if theres any way to set up a site on the forum and play over the net.
Sorry everybody, working on a thesis and two jobs (well trying to get the second job nailed down)
Baby is good, the rest of us are sick, thanks Sir D.!
Elmwood park . . .

Your rail line runs right past Roselle IIRC. That’s me!

Sir D. is farther south. Down where the water glows in the dark. ;)

Hmmmm never really considered GRIP but there is another fella in Chicago proper that expressed some interest a bit ago. We may have to go that way. My Bartlett group meets on less than an hour’s notice most days so its hard to get folks together being all spread out. We may want to go that way. It will be a few weeks until I have the cash but it may be worth it.
Geesh time flies . . .

Oh and welcome Mr Carter!
What’s your Traveller background?

Classic Traveller man returning to fold perhaps? Whatever your persuasion there is always room for one more around here!

GRIP is one way of internet play, there are many ways ;)
Welcome, John Carter (of Mars?)

I suggest all you Chicago Travellers swap e-mail addresses.

We have played for years now with one guy dialing in remotely. We've also played with him on Instant-Message + voice over IP. A true phone connection was better than IP back-in-the-day, but modern technology might've caught up by now.

Anyway, all that to say that it worked great, with the proviso that the guy dialing in is a good friend with several years of previous face-to-face gaming in our group. But for what it's worth, it works well enough, and is worth a try, as it is super-easy to have a "meeting" that way.

Some day, the Central US Maglev system will connect up to the 'L' -- about the same time Nortel stock hits $80/share -- and I'll be there.