If you were to design a Book 2-like starship design app, say for the iPhone, how would you do it?
Clearly a multi view app. A primary navigation controller, leading to component choice picklists?
The user picks a hull from a list: a size, a configuration, and the type of landing gear. Sounds like two or three pick lists.
Next, the user picks drive performance. Do you suppose it's better to pick performance rather than a specific drive? For example, if the user decides to use a different sized hull, it would be nice to automatically adjust the engineering section, don't you think? Ditto for fuel.
Drives sound like sliders for performance, and even for fuel, but fuel could also be auto calculated.... Since this is not a painfully comprehensive app, maybe automatic fuel would be best?
Next, the user picks the payload. Staterooms, smallcraft, what-have-you. How would this be handled? Sounds a bit more complicated, since there's a list of discrete things being picked and added to the ship.
The computer model is also chosen. Pick list!
Weapons are more varied than in Book 2, but there's no mixing of weapn types within turrets. Also, you can configure the range of a weapon, which changes its size and cost.
Does this mean a weapon has a mini-design page? A weapon type picklist, an emplacement picklist, and a range slider? Or does the user pick the ship's weapons, and some defaults are assigned, and the user can dive in and adjust the settings if desired?
Optional sensors can also be installed, in much the same way as weapons: pick the emplacement, pick the sensor type, adjust its range if desired.
Same for Defenses, I.e. Screens. Emplacement, defense, range. Yes, range, although less important than with weapons and sensors. I'm thinking the code which lets the user select and customize weapons can be re-used with sensors and defenses. Same actions, different plists, maybe?
Suggestions are welcome. Thanks!