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Losing it with Striker...


SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Been having one of those weekends, a Striker weekend. A reconciling Striker and Ship Combat sorta weekend. Starting with Adventure class ships end of the ship size spectrum. Also Note I really am pondering in the 8 to 12 tech level range, with TL 10 being the common average.

Armor limits? This is a circular kinda question, in that while the body of the rules there isn't a limit on the amount of armor, if you draw in High Guard there is a limit. (Note looking at MT as a source of ideas it is limited there too).

Then there is Turret Lasers, as they are written armor is kinda pointless. I am tempted to rewrite them. Will decide once I rewrite the spreadsheet....

Then there is the whole issue of damage systems, as written Striker uses the secondary damage table in HG. Which honestly isn't a bad Idea if you think about it at least for ground fire, as kill the maneuver drive you basicly have a kill as the ships generally have a the glide ratio of a brick.