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Lots of Amber worlds in Dulinor Space

Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
So I'm on a roll for writing adventure seeds, and I'm looking at the notorious noble's Domain of Ilelish, and noticing all these amber zones. More than any other region of space (or so I'm guessing, ... no, I actually haven't checked Vargr or K'Kree space). Given who Dulinor is, I'm curious if this was intentional; i.e. bad blood coming from a bad neighborhood; said domain being rife with unrest and strife of somekind.

It makes sense that that's the case, but I'm wondering if it was intentional, or whether I'm just finding a pattern that really isn't there.

Enlightenment please? :)
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Count of Zones by Sector for Imperial Worlds coming right up...
And then by allegiance...
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SectorImperial WorldsGreenAmberRed% Amber
Alpha Crucis78698110.3
Empty Quarter134130221.5
Glimmerdrift Reaches42365111.9
Old Expanses40136717174.2
Reaver's Deep5750528.8
Solomani Rim31126934810.9
Spinward Marches273223302011.0
Trojan Reach58506210.3
3rd Imperium as a Whole895882645241705.8
Wow, Nathan, I appreciate that, but you didn't need to go to all that trouble :)

Very cool data, though.
AllegianceWorldsGreenAmberRed% Amber
Third Imperium, Amec Protectorate232128.7
Third Imperium, Domain of Antares1152109042203.6
Third Imperium, Domain of Sylea18411688130237.1
Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb70161356328.0
Third Imperium, Domain of Gateway3032831555.0
Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish1625152680194.9
Third Imperium, Domain of Sol13651193125479.2
Third Imperium, Domain of Vland1635154867204.1
Third Imperium, League of Antares12120.0
Third Imperium, Lancian Cultural Region181173532.8
Third Imperium, Luriani Cultural Association575610.0
Third Imperium, Sylean Worlds32320.0
Third Imperium, Vegan Autonomous District312926.5
Third Imperium as a Whole895882645241705.8
Wow, it looks like I was wrong. It looks like the most dangerous place to be would be in the heart of Vilani space. Wow. You'd think those would be the most passive worlds, but such is the quirk of system generation. I wonder who's going to generate all the backstories to those places. :eek:
Looking at Nathan's numbers, Illellish is the second lowest rate of amongst the domains.
Not a problem...These analyses are simple SQL crosstab queries. Just looking at Imp worlds. I try to separate fact from opinion. I sometimes see that can be clarified by just a moment at looking at the data. Now that that has been done on to speculations behind the data

I only included Imperial worlds, becaues an in-universe standpoint, TAS is stated in many of the AM modules as saying that ALL worlds outside the Third Imperium are officially classsified as Amber Zone worlds. Yet not all worlds on travellermap.com or in source data is not listed that way. Hmm.

My opinion/take is that outside the Imperium when data is generated, that for zoned worlds even the governing body of a system thinks that planet is not so nice...maybe in the case of non-aligned worlds it might be the nearest large governing body. Something like that.
Nathan; it would be interesting to do a writeup on how "3rd world systems" rate their own safety. Sol space also has a high count. No surprise there, but again I wonder if that was intentional, or whether the powers that be just happened to roll up those numbers using their own worlds when they mapped the Solomani Rim.

Bed time :)
That has been discussed before but I have an opinion...
(Putting on data analyst hat)
When we look at Zone "as a game", Zone is single data field being used to represent potentially different items "in-universe".
(taking off data analyst hat, putting on gamer hat)
  • It may represent interdiction/caution from a Imperial standpoint
  • It may represent danger/caution from the viewpoint the Travellers' Aid Society
There is an automated way in T5 now to determine some Red and Amber Zones
If (Gov + Law)=> 22 Then Red
If (Gov + Law)=> 20 Then Amber
Else Green
Also there is a notation that Class X Starport is almost always Red Zone.

Hm. I could reverse engineer that. :coffeegulp::coffeesip: See which worlds do not warrant the Red or Amber based on the formulas here. Outside of the major published sources you will know what systems NEED to have a backstory, because it does not seem then needed to be zoned that way
There is an automated way in T5 now to determine some Red and Amber Zones
If (Gov + Law)=> 22 Then Red
If (Gov + Law)=> 20 Then Amber
Else Green
Also there is a notation that Class X Starport is almost always Red Zone.

I think the last pass on the data applied this rule and greatly increased the number of Amber Zones.


Baron Ovka
Re: 'civilized space', I would expect worlds that are repressive control freak regimes to be labelled Amber Zones by TAS even if they are not officially cordoned off. And the pop/gov modifier rules tend to force governments towards the more authoritarian types, so more of them in highly settled regions....

There might also be the reverse, long standing Imperial 'National Parks' of wild planets that are habitable but preserved.

To keep them preserved you are not allowed to land with anything but recreational gear and the lowest of tech- making you vulnerable to the wildlife and thus not safe to the unwary and unprepared (but Big Fodder for Hunting campaigns, those hunter/Predator ships have to go somewhere anyway!).
I think the last pass on the data applied this rule and greatly increased the number of Amber Zones.


Baron Ovka

Thank you Baron Ovka, my data collection is from Dec. 2. Takes me longer to get the data from website than it does to reload my database. Two hours to get the 121 sectors vs 1 minute to reload. Over the weekend... :coffeegulp::coffeegulp::coffeesip: or when I wake up...
There might also be the reverse, long standing Imperial 'National Parks' of wild planets that are habitable but preserved.

To keep them preserved you are not allowed to land with anything but recreational gear and the lowest of tech- making you vulnerable to the wildlife and thus not safe to the unwary and unprepared (but Big Fodder for Hunting campaigns, those hunter/Predator ships have to go somewhere anyway!).
The T5.09 rules specifically have Re - Reserve worlds as you describe like the National Parks here. Oddly it in the secondary codes list as Pop 1-4, Gov 6, Law 4-5 and like military rule does not have to be non-mainworld (pg. 410).

But the other page indicate at is for secondary worlds....
I think the last pass on the data applied this rule and greatly increased the number of Amber Zones.

And you see big increases in sectors with a lot of high pop worlds because of the UWP DM progression. Ilelish has a lot of High Pops.
Thank you Baron Ovka, my data collection is from Dec. 2.

I'm not sure exactly when the number of Amber zones jumped. Some time between mid-October and mid-December. There were a few data drops during that time.

I have a before and after version of the Lishun sector in CC3. In the before version, Lishun has 26 worlds with travel zones. Your table has 24. The other two are outside the borders of the Imperium. In the after version, 81 worlds in Lishun have travel zones (6 outside the Imperium).

Other sectors exhibit similar increases. Suddenly the Imperium has become a much more dangerous place. :eek:


Baron Ovka
This was one of the last data drops from DonM, circa Dec 10th. Unfortunately there was not an opportunity to iterate. As the process reboots we should revisit.
Thank you Baron Ovka, my data collection is from Dec. 2. Takes me longer to get the data from website than it does to reload my database. Two hours to get the 121 sectors vs 1 minute to reload. Over the weekend... :coffeegulp::coffeegulp::coffeesip: or when I wake up...

Dang... Stuck on dialup or something? Anything I can help automate?
The more I play around the T5 mechanic for establishing amber and red zones, the more I dislike it. I can see high government and high law areas being dangerous and/or hard for travellers to navigate.

"This infidel extended his RIGHT hand to me, the same hand that struck down Almighty Sinestro, Lord of the Violet Worlds! Kill him!"

But I think I would rather go to that planet than some irradiated anarchy world with a 0 law level, where mutant gangs wait in the desert just outside the starport to ambush and enslave the unwary. Or a balkanized world in the midst of a civil war. Or a corrupt oligarchy planet. Basically, any low law world would be good for most travellers to avoid, expect for the hippy planet. That one's cool, just don't eat the fruit.