Weirdness report; I just clicked on Hrike, hex 0530 in Aslan space. And instead of getting a popup over the map, a new tab opened in my browser showing the pop. Some HTML code flashed for a split second before the popup appeared.
Just an FYI.
Weirdness report; I just clicked on Hrike, hex 0530 in Aslan space. And instead of getting a popup over the map, a new tab opened in my browser showing the pop. Some HTML code flashed for a split second before the popup appeared.
Sector | Total | Green | Amber | Red | % Amber |
Alpha Crucis | 78 | 60 | 18 | | 23.1 |
Antares | 478 | 408 | 56 | 14 | 11.7 |
Core | 546 | 466 | 80 | | 14.7 |
Corridor | 207 | 180 | 23 | 4 | 11.1 |
Dagudashaag | 559 | 482 | 76 | 1 | 13.6 |
Daibei | 430 | 366 | 56 | 8 | 13.0 |
Delphi | 323 | 278 | 40 | 5 | 12.4 |
Deneb | 334 | 277 | 47 | 10 | 14.1 |
Diaspora | 476 | 374 | 88 | 14 | 18.5 |
Empty Quarter | 134 | 107 | 26 | 1 | 19.4 |
Fornast | 518 | 445 | 60 | 13 | 11.6 |
Glimmerdrift Reaches | 42 | 32 | 10 | | 23.8 |
Gushemege | 532 | 463 | 52 | 17 | 9.8 |
Hinterworlds | 2 | 2 | | | 0.0 |
Ilelish | 450 | 383 | 67 | | 14.9 |
Ley | 316 | 273 | 39 | 4 | 12.3 |
Lishun | 552 | 477 | 75 | | 13.6 |
Magyar | 130 | 94 | 31 | 5 | 23.8 |
Massilia | 516 | 419 | 96 | 1 | 18.6 |
Old Expanses | 401 | 342 | 45 | 14 | 11.2 |
Reaver's Deep | 57 | 48 | 8 | 1 | 14.0 |
Reft | 86 | 75 | 11 | | 12.8 |
Solomani Rim | 311 | 228 | 76 | 7 | 24.4 |
Spinward Marches | 273 | 198 | 60 | 15 | 22.0 |
Trojan Reach | 58 | 46 | 10 | 2 | 17.2 |
Verge | 207 | 172 | 28 | 7 | 13.5 |
Vland | 491 | 425 | 66 | | 13.4 |
Zarushagar | 481 | 429 | 50 | 2 | 10.4 |
Third Imperium | 8988 | 7549 | 1294 | 145 | 14.4 |
Allegiance | Total | Green | Amber | Red | % Amber |
Third Imperium, Amec Protectorate | 23 | 19 | 4 | | 17.4 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Antares | 1152 | 983 | 154 | 15 | 13.4 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Sylea | 1878 | 1586 | 273 | 19 | 14.5 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb | 701 | 552 | 122 | 27 | 17.4 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Gateway | 303 | 258 | 41 | 4 | 13.5 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish | 1625 | 1398 | 209 | 18 | 12.9 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Sol | 1365 | 1069 | 256 | 40 | 18.8 |
Third Imperium, Domain of Vland | 1635 | 1422 | 193 | 20 | 11.8 |
Third Imperium, League of Antares | 12 | 9 | 3 | | 25.0 |
Third Imperium, Lancian Cultural Region | 181 | 153 | 26 | 2 | 14.4 |
Third Imperium, Luriani Cultural Association | 57 | 49 | 8 | | 14.0 |
Third Imperium, Sylean Worlds | 25 | 22 | 3 | | 12.0 |
Third Imperium, Vegan Autonomous District | 31 | 29 | 2 | | 6.5 |
Third Imperium | 8988 | 7549 | 1294 | 145 | 14.4 |
Well, keep in mind those numbers reflect a potentially erroneous mass application of T5's rules for travel zones. High pop worlds are more likely to have high government codes and high law levels, and therefore are more likely to have travel zones imposed by the T5 formula. This has the counter-intuitive effect of making older, more established regions more likely to have red or amber zones than frontier areas.Hmm, Sylea and Sol seem to be "dangerous" places by TAS criteria, whatever that may be. They write ups should prove interesting in the coming years.
:rofl:The Traveller’s Aid Society (TAS): A few words from Ve Nu Lant, TAS Chief Executive Officer, 145-0008. “In those early years of expansion, many people just packed a bag and headed off into space, hitching rides on scouts, traders, and even warships. It didn’t take long for an informal self-help network on the ‘net to start up, passing Traveller’s tips, places to go to, places to avoid, what to eat, and what not to. So one summer, I collected the stories coming back, and put together the first Crowded Space guides. They were instant hits, but many people needed more practical help. So with a few friends, I set up the Travellers’ Aid Society. We started off with ‘net lectures, devised a simple color code for planet safety, and in Year -16 we opened up our first planetary office. It was a great hit, helping people to get oriented, providing a meeting place and information exchange, and even a few beds for the night. The rest, as they say, is history.”
What would be more useful here is to calculate out the median number of amber and red zone worlds per sector, and the standard deviation. While some places look (by eyeball) to be more dangerous than others. I would like to see what statistics say.Again inexorabletash, thank you. Sorted. Have everything synched up.
Blue Ghost, based on the CURRENT map data...
I still think amber and red zones should be at the referee's discretion. Aren't they supposed to be temporary designations and subject to changing over time?
One click to dump all records into a text file?
Once the data files are in a directory on my local machine, they are good to go. My issue is it is manual. It is just that I have to click on the main page 121 times and hit Raw Sector Data. Tab over to the that web page on the browser and change to TabDelimited in the URL. Save the result as the name of the sector with .txt extension.
My old database was a smarter as it allowed the data to be retrieved in SecondSurvey format and parse out the meta (subsector names, etc.), but it will be a while to rebuild that functionality. I still had to click and save 121 times...
MOST of it is in TAB format, but not all of it.
But these seem to be the masters, and whenever there's a change, I guess he just restarts and reloads the server.
By erroneous I meant indiscriminate, unintentionally over-writing canon. I've got no problem with using Gov + Law as a guide, but it shouldn't take referee discretion out of the process.Checking on the erroneous part is simple enough. Do a crosstab of the sum of Gov+Law by Zone.
Still, for a capital world, I would hope we can appeal the decision to the Traveller's Aid Society or at least figure out what corrective actions can be taken to fix any damage to Lemish's trade and economy.Remember, Amber Zones in the Imperium are a TAS designation, not a government label. The Traveller's Aid Society deems that combination of government and enforcement to be hazardous to travellers. It does not mean the world is particularly dangerous to its own citizens, who should know the laws and how not to break them. A visitor, on the other hand, could draw excessive Police harassment or incarceration for carrying nail clippers in the wrong pocket, being dressed like an outworlder, or just advertising that they've read the wrong books.
First off, Lemish is not a pig sty. While agriculture is the main stay of the Lemishian economy, only a small fraction is devoted to hog farming.BlueGhost; said:Drakon; so maybe I can drop a hot dog wrapper, but I better not say this place looks like a pigsty. Is that right?
While Lemish does respect freedom of speech, slanderous and inaccurate statements will be dealt with proportionate to the defense of Lemish.
Well, keep in mind those numbers reflect a potentially erroneous mass application of T5's rules for travel zones. High pop worlds are more likely to have high government codes and high law levels, and therefore are more likely to have travel zones imposed by the T5 formula. This has the counter-intuitive effect of making older, more established regions more likely to have red or amber zones than frontier areas.
Since much of the Solomani Rim is occupied, a bunch of red zones don't seem amiss. But Sylea? That seems wrong.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying that high law worlds shouldn't ever be red or amber zones. I'm just saying that Law + Gov is too crude a mechanic to be an absolute arbiterer, and we shouldn't use it to overwrite canonical data.But, even under the non-rule guidance in TTB, extreme law (10+) is grounds for amber and/or red...
What? oh goodness no. Corporal punishment is reserved for more serious crimes like theft, assault, and smuggling. Slander and Libel, if found guilty in a court of law by a jury of your peers, with your own barrister, results in fines and/or community service, usually with the Lemish Bureau of Tourism.Which on Lemish, is what, fifty lashes?
That would depend on how well Travellermap can handle larger blocks of text. Perhaps this may be accomplished better through Traveller Wiki.In all Traveller seriousness, I seem to recall that JTAS and its news feed had an "Amber Zone" article every so often for new adventure seeds. If the TAS Amber designation is dependent on current events, then should it be on the semi-official Official Traveller map?