Sorry, 5-17% is not typically considered 'HUGE' by anyone I know. <shrug>
It's quite huge, given 2-12 scale.
And, most games have a modifier present a 1-5% advantage. By your own admission, the +1 DM in CT provides a 5-17% advantage. That's 3 to 5 times bigger than most rpg.
I think by anybody's definition, that should be considered a huge difference. And, to elaborate, let's put that "3-5 times bigger" in different terms.
If you make $80,000 bucks a year, and I make $240,000 year, you wouldn't say that I make a much larger (huge) salary than you do? And, if Fred makes $400,000 bucks a year--that he has a substantial increase over both of us?
That's "3 to 5 times bigger" than your salary--the same percentage increase of the CT +1 DM against +1 DMs in most other rpgs.
Yes, I think "Huge" is the appropriate descriptive word.
I count 22 explicitly defined per skill level DMs in the skill section of LBB1, with 7 explicitly stating +2 per level.
I would use the Traveller Book, but, I guess LBB 1 will do.
Let's count.
Book 1 Throws That Prove +2 or more DM Per Skill Level.
Pg. 17 - Administration. +2 per level of skill.
Pg. 19 - Engineering. Normally, a +1 DM per skill level is use, but if relative value of Engineering skill is needed, use a +2 DM per skill level.
Pg. 19 - Forgery. -2 DM per level.
Pg. 19 - Forward Observer. +4 per level.
Pg. 21 - Ship's Boat. +2 per skill level above skill-1, when landing safely durig bad weather.
Pg. 22 - Vacc Suit. +4 per skill level to avoid dangerous situations.
Observations about this:
1. I must have missed the 7th one.
2. I think, to be fair in considering the core rules for the game, that you must consider either the Traveller Book or LBBs 1-3 as the core rules. And, if you do that, your percentage of times that more than a +1 per skill level (or +X if a condition is met, like the Ship's Boat +2 per level after Skill-1) is seen will diminish drastically. You're seeing 6/22 or 7/22 now only because you've taken 1/3 of the rules as your sample, and most of the +2 or more per skill level examples are in the skill definitions--which are all in Book 1.
I can think of one more, in Starship Combat, but that's about it, among all the skill throws mentioned in Books 1-3.
The real number that should be looked at is the number of task that include a +2 or more DM per skill level versus all task throws in the core game rules (LBBs 1-3). The percentage of task examples using +2 or more per skill level will be small--even smaller if you consider the entire game (all LBBs).
3. I will admit that there are a few more than I was originally thinking. It's been quite a while since I've played Classic Traveller (many years) or even cracked open a CT book. Still, I think my original statment is true--that +2 or more per level does not happen that often give all the example throws in the core rules (LBBs 1-3).
4. I'm glad we had this discussion, and that I did the above exercise, because it's taught me something about CT that I didn't know. What that is, is printed in the last line of the Engineering skill:
In order to handle the relative value of experience, the DM may be assigned on the basis of +2 per level of expertise.
That, right there, tells us relative value of experience can be determined by comparing skills at +2 per level.
Judging by the uses of this method shown above, this is done only when relative expertise is extremely important to the success of a task: As when comparign the relative expertise of Admin or Enginnering ability; Detecting fake documents; Calling in fire support corrections; landing a Ship's Boat in bad weather; or avoiding a dangerous zero-g situation.
Whenever a person's expertise is extremely important to the success of a task, that's when the GM should assign a +2 or more DM per skill level for success.
I really should add this to the
Rule 68A OP. All CT GM should know this.
Note that Survival offers only a +2 DM for higher stats, and 7 of 15 mustering out stat bonuses are +2.
This is not relevent. There are lots of +2 DM if exceptional stat is associated with the character. Our arugment is about +2 DM per skill level or more.