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M560A1 Communications, Navigation, and SIGINT satellite system

Major B

SOC-14 1K
I'm getting back into Traveller after much time away - developing a Mercenary campaign using MT.

This is one of the pieces I built using the MT design rules. The satellite is designed to be a communications relay and a SIGINT platform. It also is integral to a spatial awareness targeting system I'm trying to think through.

Anyway, the idea is to have self-maneuvering satellites that can be dropped off and left alone for extended periods. Solar power means no fuel required. The computer allows it to work out its own navigation to stay in sunlight and maintain LOS to the area it is assigned to cover.

The Maser link is the primary communications system with two Laser systems serving as alternate and contingency systems. The Radio communications system is available for emergency use but more importantly as a SIGINT collection system. The Radar direction finder is used by both ships and ground forces to help triangulate enemy positions or vessels.

As long as the satellite does not make a radio broadcast, it will remain very difficult if not impossible to find. It has no emissions, only passive sensors, and the Laser/Maser systems cannot be detected unless the enemy has a collector in the transmission path.

Anyone who would like to see the design worksheet or have a suggestion on where to post it, please let me know (I'm still learning my way around this forum).

The UCP is here:

M560A1 COMNAVSAT MALE (Mobile / Automated / Long Endurance)
CraftID: Communications / Navigation Satellite v2
Type: Satellite, Maneuverable (Communications, Navigation) (Long Endurance)
Tech Level: 15
Unit Price: CR 561,744
Bulk Price: CR 449,395
Hull: 1 DP (Inoperative) / 1 DP (Destroyed)
Displacement: .056 Td / .756 kl
Configuration: 7 (Irregular)
Streamlining: USL (unstreamlined)
Unloaded Weight: 000.5459 mT
Loaded Weight: 000.5459 mT
Armor Rating:
Armor Type: G (Bonded Superdense)
Power: 1 DP (Inoperative) /1 DP (Destroyed)
Plant Type: Solar
Output: 0.07 Mw
Duration: Unlimited
Locomotion: 1 DP (Inoperative) /1 DP (Destroyed)
Thrust: 1.720 G
(Vacuum) Cruising Speed: 1548 kph
(Vacuum) Top Speed: 2064 kph
Maser Communications System - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (P)
Two Laser Communications Systems - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (A-C)
Radio Communications System - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (SIGINT/E)
Sensors: Radar Direction Finder-12
Off: None
Computer = model 0/bis
Dynamic Linked Control Panels = 4
Accom: none
Free Volume = 0.008 kl
Fuel Capacity = N/A
Object Size = Small
Emission Level = none
Variants: none

Major B
An interesting concept. Can you intercept/DF ladars in MegaT with the equipment you've got fitted to the satellite? I ask because if you cannot, as you cannot in CT/Striker, then your 'ferret' satellite is only going to be good against low-tech opponents who can't use ladar, or tight-beam laser/maser commo.

Being undetectable and unjammable under CT/Striker makes ladar/maser well worth the extra cost for my merc force. And from TL13 on x-ray lasers are fantastic and unstoppable by obscurants. TL13 laser rifles are perfect therefore target designation systems for artillery or missiles. But I digress...
Laser Sensor

The model I showed does not have the capability to detect lasers or ladar because there wasn't room and, given the fact the unit has to be in an intercept path to be effective, I didn't think it was that important.

However, your post made me re-think that. I adjusted the design to include a TL 11 Laser sensor. Had to bump the size up a bit and there was a speed cost, but the system still manages a 1284 kph cruising speed / 1712 kph top speed. This allows ships to release the unit relatively far away and (if time permits) allow them to maneuver themselves into place before the fleet arrives.

I'm not sure about the physics involved so I can't say what the probability would be of being able to maneuver into the LOS between two stations in order to intercept laser communications, but this system should be able to detect and DF an active Ladar scan and multiple units would allow triangulation, giving a relatively precise location of the emitter.

My first intent for the system was to create a GPS-like grid that allowed ground units to precisely target the enemy. The idea was to use masking terrain to protect the force and "shoot and scoot" using indirect fire from mid-caliber mass drivers. Adding the laser detector makes the system just a valuable in system domination (as opposed to just planetary dominance).

It appears that my membership does not allow the privelege of attaching files to my posts. I was going to attach a .pdf of the design worksheet for these units. Is there someone I can e-mail the files to in order to get them posted?

Major B
The site will not link to your own computer, nor does it host files itself.

To attach files you need to put them on a hosting site (photobucket, etc for images, for example), then copy-&-paste the link into your post. The proper html code will "hot-link" the file... allowing a reader to click on the url and access the file at the hosting site.

For example, "bracket img reverse-bracket http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b336/Bager1968/Game stuff/DwarvesinSpace.jpg bracket /img reverse-bracket" gives:


where [ = bracket (do not leave any spaces).
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Thanks BlackBat. I'll look for a hosting site and see what I can do.

In the meantime have a related question that has been nagging me. Are there any rules (better house rules) on solar power generation at distances from a star?

I want to use these units to establish a communications and positioning grid across a system. The intel-gathering capabilities are only an added bonus. I'm thinking there would be a limit on how much power would be generated, considering the brightness of the star and the distance of the unit from the star.

I'd rather not put a power source in there as I wanted the units to be stealthy, but maybe I'll have to if they cannot adequately range a system. Any thoughts?

Major B
Forgot to add: If anyone can recommend a file hosting site for posting the design worksheets for these I'd appreciate it.

Also, since they aren't strictly orbital platforms, I guess I shouldn't call them satellites. What would a proper name be?

Major B
In the meantime have a related question that has been nagging me. Are there any rules (better house rules) on solar power generation at distances from a star?

I have a suspicion that solar panels were covered in one of the Traveller supplements or Jtas issues, can't remember which one though.

If you want to make your own, you could base a rule on standard energy outputs for different star types, and then use the inverse square law for distances. Your solar collector would then modify this incident radiation by a conversion-efficiency factor.
Icosahedron, thanks for the post.

I looked at the Extended System Generation rules from the MT Referee's Manual and re-discovered the classification of orbital zones as Inner (I), Habitable (H), and Outer (O). That made me think of a (potentially) simpler house rule.

Assuming that solar collectors will operate at 100% of their potential for power generation in the H zone, they will also operate at 100% (or better) in the I zone. While they would get a bonus in power production given more light, there might be problems with additional heat generation or overloading the system so I won't allow increased output in the I zone.

They will operate at something less than 100% in the O zone. My SWAG for power loss is -25% per # of orbits between the star and the H zone.

Example: a G0 star of size V shows orbits 1 to 3 as the I zone, 4 is the H zone, and the remaining orbits are the O zone. In this system, solar collectors operate at 100% in orbits 0-4, 75% in orbits 5-9, 50% in orbits 10-14.

For small stars without a H zone the power loss will be -25% in orbit 0 and -25% more per orbit beyond 0.

Does 25% sound like a good SWAG or should it be something else? 10% would be more forgiving but I have no idea how realistic any SWAG would be. Any thoughts?

Major B
Since each ourbit is roughly double the distance of the prior, 25% works, and it should be multiplicative.
+1 orbit: x1/4 (0.25)
+2 orbits x1/16 (0.0625)
+3 orbits x1/64 (0.015625)
+4 orbits x1/256 (0.00390625)
+5 orbits x1/1024 (0.00097656)

So it is a exponential progression? I thought it was linear but I guess exponential makes more sense.

I guess then the distance in # of orbits to the H zone would be immaterial since the width of the orbits increases as they progress outward.

So a corrected example from my earlier post would be:

Example: a G0 star of size V shows orbits 1 to 3 as the I zone, 4 is the H zone, and the remaining orbits are the O zone. In this system, solar collectors operate at 100% in orbits 0-4, 25% in orbit 5, 6.25% in orbit 6, 1.56% in orbit 7, and less than 1% in the outer orbits from there.

I guess the point is that I need to do more than glance through books 6 through 8.

The other point is solar systems alone will limit the effectiveness of the ferret platform so maybe if I add a battery...

Let me work on that.
Okay, based on all of the feedback, here is a re-worked MT design:

Benefits of the new design are a full passive EMS suite and the addition of a small (minimum allowed size) fusion plant to provide maneuvering power along with increased thrust of 3.5G.

All at a cost of about doubling the size and increasing the cost to MCr .837.

The A2 version had battery power to augment the solar array but I could only get 41 hours endurance with batteries. This model can maneuver under full power for almost 20 days without refueling and, when in position, will not need to run the fusion plant at all as the solar cells provide enough power for the communications gear, EMM and EMS array.

M560A3 Comm, Nav, & SIGINT System (CNSS) - Mobile, Automated, Long Endurance (MALE)
Type: Fusion/Solar Unmanned Craft
Tech Level: 15
Unit Price: CR 837,174
Bulk Price (80%): CR 669,740
Hull: 1 DP (Inoperative) /1 DP (Destroyed)
Displacement: .111 Td / 1.5 kl volume
Configuration: 7 (Irregular)
Streamlining: USL (unstreamlined)
Loaded Weight: 001.1705 mT
Unloaded Weight: 001.1705 mT
Armor Rating: 40 - Type G (Bonded Superdense)
Power: 1 DP (Inoperative) /1 DP (Destroyed)
Maneuver Plant Type: Fusion
Output: .135 Mw
Duration: 476 hours (Continuous) / 60 days (8-hour work days)
Stationary Plant Type: Solar
Output: .099 Mw (solar)
Duration: unlimited within solar energy source area
1 DP (Inoperative) /1 DP (Destroyed)
Thrust: 3.500 G (this craft is not streamlined for atmospheric operations)
Vacuum Cruising Speed: 2363 kph
Vacuum Top Speed: 3150 kph
Two Maser Communications System - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (P-A)
Laser Communications System - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (C)
Radio Communications System - 15 (Far Orbit - 500,000 km) (SIGINT/E)
ActiveEMS = None
ActObjScan = N/A
ActObjPin = N/A
PassiveEMS = Interplanetary (1 AU)

PasObjScan = N/A
PasObjPin = N/A
PasEngScan = Routine
PasEngPin = N/A
Off: None
Computer = model 0/bis
Computer Linked Control Panels = 13
Cargo Capacity = 0.001 kl
Fuel Capacity = 0.386 kl
Object Size = Small
Emission Level = none
Variants: None
Fusion Plant powers Grav suspension, one Maser, EMM, and control systems
Solar Panels power one Maser, radio, EMM, EMS, and control systems
Laser communications system is backup in event of Maser system failure
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Hey MajorB, take a look at the "later" versions of Traveller (TNE / T4) and their tech archietecture (Fire Fusion and Steel) which go into solar arrays.

You can also get info on these in the MT "Hard Times" supplement (IIRC $7 at drivethroughrpg, or the same cost for one of the FF&S versions, although I'd reccommend the TNE version over the T4 version)

If you still want stuff parked on a remote site drop me a PM, I have a page called "other people's stuff" on scottmartin<dot>ca which is used for this: I have a moderate amount of bandwidth that doesn't get used. You may also want to pick up the (re)issues of Signal GK which are there, and the HIWG CD may make its way there soon.

Scott Martin
Took eight tries but I think the link works now.

Scott has also posted three of my vehicle designs. They are still under development but almost final.

Maybe I will be able to finish them this weekend and give Scott some more to post.
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