Rates of Fire and ready rounds
Missiles and sand canisters are expendable ordinance and their storage and use must be tracked. Each missile or sand launcher fires one round per turn and has three rounds ready to fire. Additional rounds may be stored in a magazine. Bay batteries have one launcher per two tons. Bay and turret missiles are not interchangeable.
One ton of magazines can hold either: 10 bay missiles, 20 turret missiles or 50 sand canisters. Magazines may be either fixed or modular. A fixed magazine cost Cr 50,000 per ton and their ordinance load is set at design time and may not be altered without a refit. Modular magazines cost Cr 100,000 per ton and their ordinance load may be altered at will.
Reloading magazines
Magazines may be reloaded at any naval base. Alternately, additional rounds may be transferred from another vessel's magazines. It requires one turn to transfer rounds between two ship's magazines during which time the vessels must remain docked (treat as agility 0 and any interior explosion will destroy both ships.) Carried craft may be recovered by their parent vessel and reloaded from its magazines. In addition rounds may be freely transferred between magazines and batteries within a ship.
Ordinance as cargo
Missiles and sand canisters may also be transported as cargo. One ton of cargo can hold either: 25 bay missiles, 50 turret missiles or 125 sand canisters. Under normal circumstances ordinance carried as cargo may not be used to reload magazines in combat (at referee's discretion.) Additionally any vessel carrying ordinance as cargo must roll 2D when suffering any interior explosion. On a roll of 2 the ship is destroyed.
Orbital bombardment
No vessel without at least six rounds fire of orbital bombardment missiles may count its missile factor towards planetary surrender. Orbital bombardment missiles play no role in space combat. Vessels may rearm with bombardment missiles after the system is secure.
Ordinance costs
Ordinance expended in battle must be purchased separately from routine maintenance. For simplicity it may be assumed that navies have adequate stocks of ordinance on hand and thus only need to purchase replacements after combat. Likewise, a naval vessel's 10% routine maintenance costs include a modest allowance for peacetime live fire training. Adventurers on the other hand must pre-purchase all ordinance.
Sand canister: Cr 400
Conventional turret missile: Cr 5,000
Orbital bombardment turret missile: Cr 2,000
TL12 or less Nuclear turret missile: Cr 25,000
TL13 or greater Nuclear turret missile: Cr 100,000
Conventional bay missile: Cr 20,000
Orbital bombardment bay missile: Cr 4,000
TL12 or less Nuclear bay missile: Cr 40,000
TL13 or greater Nuclear bay missile: Cr 120,000
Missiles and sand canisters are expendable ordinance and their storage and use must be tracked. Each missile or sand launcher fires one round per turn and has three rounds ready to fire. Additional rounds may be stored in a magazine. Bay batteries have one launcher per two tons. Bay and turret missiles are not interchangeable.
One ton of magazines can hold either: 10 bay missiles, 20 turret missiles or 50 sand canisters. Magazines may be either fixed or modular. A fixed magazine cost Cr 50,000 per ton and their ordinance load is set at design time and may not be altered without a refit. Modular magazines cost Cr 100,000 per ton and their ordinance load may be altered at will.
Reloading magazines
Magazines may be reloaded at any naval base. Alternately, additional rounds may be transferred from another vessel's magazines. It requires one turn to transfer rounds between two ship's magazines during which time the vessels must remain docked (treat as agility 0 and any interior explosion will destroy both ships.) Carried craft may be recovered by their parent vessel and reloaded from its magazines. In addition rounds may be freely transferred between magazines and batteries within a ship.
Ordinance as cargo
Missiles and sand canisters may also be transported as cargo. One ton of cargo can hold either: 25 bay missiles, 50 turret missiles or 125 sand canisters. Under normal circumstances ordinance carried as cargo may not be used to reload magazines in combat (at referee's discretion.) Additionally any vessel carrying ordinance as cargo must roll 2D when suffering any interior explosion. On a roll of 2 the ship is destroyed.
Orbital bombardment
No vessel without at least six rounds fire of orbital bombardment missiles may count its missile factor towards planetary surrender. Orbital bombardment missiles play no role in space combat. Vessels may rearm with bombardment missiles after the system is secure.
Ordinance costs
Ordinance expended in battle must be purchased separately from routine maintenance. For simplicity it may be assumed that navies have adequate stocks of ordinance on hand and thus only need to purchase replacements after combat. Likewise, a naval vessel's 10% routine maintenance costs include a modest allowance for peacetime live fire training. Adventurers on the other hand must pre-purchase all ordinance.
Sand canister: Cr 400
Conventional turret missile: Cr 5,000
Orbital bombardment turret missile: Cr 2,000
TL12 or less Nuclear turret missile: Cr 25,000
TL13 or greater Nuclear turret missile: Cr 100,000
Conventional bay missile: Cr 20,000
Orbital bombardment bay missile: Cr 4,000
TL12 or less Nuclear bay missile: Cr 40,000
TL13 or greater Nuclear bay missile: Cr 120,000