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MagLev Train running on existing rails

However ... :unsure:

As a prototype for proof on concept, it's a good start.
But I'm not seeing anything that suggests that the track being run on was level or uphill. For all we know, the direction of travel was a slight downhill grade (meaning no propulsion required, just levitation lift and a slide downhill).

The next problem is that steel wheels on rails are meant to carry HEAVY loads of freight. Magnetic levitation on rails is going to encounter significant load bearing issues.

Also, that stretch of rail was "ruler straight" so I'm kind of curious how this magnetic levitation on steel rails prototype would be able to handle curves and turning, especially since most curves for rails involve banking to one side (to counter centripital force) which will necessarily unbalance the loading on the magnetic levitation. So cornering will be a "different case" context than simply gliding along in a straight line.

But as a proof of concept, it's a good start.
The question though is ... what are the limitations (in terms of load bearing) in the magnetic field strength interacting with the rails. It may be that the load bearing limitation keeps the tech in the "novelty demonstrator" range until you replace steel tracks with something more suitable for magnetic levitation (new construction of tracks), foiling the purpose of the engineering effort.