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Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by boomslang:
A Type X carries 17 dtons worth of "data banks". A terabyte hard drive here at early TL8 is the size of your lunchbox. Thousands of them will fit into a single dton. Ramp the tech up to TL14 (needed for Jump-4), and a single Xboat is probably carrying an exobyte of data or more.
That's assuming that the computer technology of the Real Universe Earth today is only TL 8. This is not necessarily so. One possible explanation for why the TU Earth was more advance in space technology is that the efforts we put into the computer revolution went into space technology instead. Real Universe Earth could have a computer tech level of... well, I don't know, but higher than 8.</font>[/QUOTE]So OTU Earth is developing jump drives using vacuum tube computers???

OTU TL9 computers are described as "Parallel." I assume this means more "parallel" than the parallel processors of the 1980s (late '70s for supercomputers). More like the supercomputers of the last 5-10 years with thousands of processors, except that TL9 would have thousands of processors on a single chip or card.

There's a thread about all that... [rummage, rummage, rummage] Ah, here it is.