• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Manhattan or Brooklyn?


I've seen a Yonkers fella bouncing around... anyone else from the 5 boroughs want to start or join a semiregular face to face game?

I've got a homegrown LBB123 universe I'm dying to try out.

Hit me, people.
Where were ya four years ago? I lived in Midwood on the D Line, and then Grammercy in Union Square... I DO come to NYC opften for work, and that workis getting lighter so I actually have free time when I go.

Me and KenHR are trying to get one going upstate in the Capital Region... maybe we should have some kind of Beer festival to discuss options...
I'm in manhattan, and I've been known to drink a beer occasionally.
Mmmmmmm. Beer...

We all should keep in touch. I've a couple people in town might play a game: If I can organanizize sumpthin', we might just have us a game...
I don't know if anyone noticed the thread in CotI Website Issues that the travellerrpg.com domain name is due to expire July 18, but I was thinking it might make sense to exchange e-mail addresses sooner than later.
Originally posted by William Mandella:
I don't know if anyone noticed the thread in CotI Website Issues that the travellerrpg.com domain name is due to expire July 18, but I was thinking it might make sense to exchange e-mail addresses sooner than later.
Were good for another year here. :D
I'd be interested, depending on where, when and how often it's held. I live in Forest Hills and work in Manhattan, and have been unable to interest my weekly group in Traveller (although, ironically, we're playing Serenity).
What about setting up a day and time at a place like "Neutral Ground" on 27th Street (By F.I.T.)? I am not sure if it is still there, or what, but that's a place to check out for sure.
Neutral Ground has advantages in terms of space and so on; the atmosphere leaves a little. But I could go with that.
Neutral Ground has a couple of spots that can be reserved (at a small cost per person per hour) that are away from the CCGs. There are also certain days of the week which should be avoided because of regularly scheduled events that attract a larger crowd than usual-- and there usually is a crowd at the NG. I am sure that drinking beer is prohibited. The Compleat Strategist (33rd Street off 5th Avenue) also permits games to be played in their basement. The basement is cramped, and they might have some rule that the game must be open (I thought I heard an employee say this). Neither are ideal.