• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Manhattan or Brooklyn?

I'll contact TCS to find out what needs be done. It's an option. Last time I was at NG, there was plenty of space, but it was a little difficult to breathe: too many of the I Don't Have To Wash, I'm A Gamer And A Rebel types.

I must be getting old.

"I'm fine with an open game, myself, and as much as I am fond of teh beers, I ref better sober. ^_^;>
Even though I'm stuck up here in dreary Albany (and it IS dreary)...

If you call the Compleat Strategist, tell Danny K. that Ken from the Retail Council says hi! He'll know who you're talking about!
On reflection, Neutral Ground (on 26th Street, actually) might not be such a bad venue, at least to start with: it's available, after all, and if the environment proves untenable, we (assuming I get to join this group, as I'd like) could always talk about moving it to someone's home or office, or rotating among such.

I freely admit that for me, NG has the advantage of being two blocks over from my job. :)
Note: if the Compleat Strategist doesn't work out for some reason, it is only a short(ish) hike to Neutral Ground. Neutral Ground is always an option-- although we might not get one of the private cubicles.

Best would be an office conference room, of course.
1) How does wednesday look for people?
2) This Geek Right Here Also Rocks. I play bass in a band called Saint Bastard, and we're playing two Manhattan gigs this weekend:

Tonight, at Club Midway
25 Ave. B, New York, NY 10009
Cost: $10.00 (with Easy Action, NeVah and Oliver North)

Monday, at Manitobas
99 Ave B, New York, NY 10009
Cost: FREE


*Faster, Pussycat! Shill! Shill!*
Originally posted by Imperium Festerium:
2) You got a doctor's appointment tonight maybe?
Actually, Fridays are my aforementioned can't-get-them-to-try-Traveller group, currently in the midst of a Serenity campaign. Hey, I get to play a recovering Reaver.

Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays are all doable for me, though.
What would the hours be that we play? I work late during the summer on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Monday and Friday are best for me during the summer. Of course, my hours have changed about 5 times so far this summer-- argh.

What time do you go on this evening?
I got to meet Imperium Festerium at the gig Friday:

1) We discussed Traveller. Should be a good classic LBB game-- lots of role-playing.

2) His band rocks-- although actually more influenced by Punk/Noise.
It was great to meet you, I was really happy you made it to the show. We had some Echnical Tissues, true, but if you had fun, that's the all of it!

ALAS, this week will not work - one of the feline members of my family (as it happens, my lovely wife's favorite)is very sick, and I need to spend a little more time at home this week to support. Next week is somewhat more likely, but depends if our furry orange boy is still hanging in there.

I would, however, like to get things rolling -

Here's what I would like folks to do.

1) Roll up an LBB1 character, basic char-gen.
a)no fudges on the basic stats
b)do char-gen with roleplay in mind - take survival seriously.
c)if you miss the survival roll, start over.
d)If you really hate the basic stats, go ahead and see if you can commit scouticide. But you might end up liking the results if you luck out...

2) email me the character at jawillroy (at) yahoo dotcom.
Will do, and deep sympathies wrt your cat. (We have two, who are our second and third.)

Any idea which day you're aiming for?
What does this very tuesday at Neutral Ground sound like to people? If I can get two others, I'll run a one-off adventure.
Originally posted by Imperium Festerium:
What does this very tuesday at Neutral Ground sound like to people? If I can get two others, I'll run a one-off adventure.
I'm up for it; just tell us what time, approx. how late you expect to run, and where in the (admittedly small) place to find you.
I will be there (with proverbial bells on), but not until at least 8pm probably. I would like to get one of the partitioned areas to play. It costs a little bit, but a least I would be able to hear what is going on.
Originally posted by William Mandella:
I will be there (with proverbial bells on), but not until at least 8pm probably.
Hrm. I'm a leeetle leery of not starting until then myself, depending on how long Imperium Festerium is planning the session to be. That's your and IF's call, of course. FWIW, I'm available any time after 5pm.