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Manhattan or Brooklyn?

Subtitle of post:


I've got space reserved for 8pm tomorrow night. SUPER cheap, 50cents an hour per person. No Sweat.

Only hitch is they close at ten.

I'm real good with that, actually. Both of you have submitted characters, and they'll do just fine as they are. ANYONE else wanting in, either submit that sum'bit' to me asap, or I'll reach into my card case and assign you one as you enter the door.

MY GOAL: One quickie adventure, starting at 8 sharp, ending on the dot at 10, complete.
Confused me for a sec there, baron. Thought you were going all hipster and commenting on my spiel. Thanks for asking.

Charles, the cat in question, had his kidneys quit on him. Sadly, we had to put him to sleep (criminy, was it only a week ago?) Really sad, but he was really ready to go.

fherman1, I actually don't know which area it is - I've always used the free space previously. I suspect it's the area you describe though.
Awright pipples. Tonight, Neutral Ground, the reserved space, 8pm - 10pm - Don't be late or you get to play this guy:

565444 Navy 1 term cr0

Neutral Ground is at 122 West 26th Street, on the 4th floor.
Normally, I would need a stik-on goatee, black turtleneck, beret, a set of bongos playing in the background for hipster commentary.

As self appointed Cosmic Guardian of All Cats, I share your loss. My wife and I recently lost one to hyberthyroidism, but as you say, it was time for the poor thing to check out. Our old cat, James Shaetmas went out the way of Charles, and it really was for the best. No being should suffer so.

Best thing you can do is get a new cat. Heals all wounds. ;)

Practioners of the "Dog v. Cat" argument need not apply, there is no argument. BOTH are cool.
Thanks for the kindnesses, Baron.

We actually 1) have plenty cat left over (Charles was My Lovely Wife's favorite, and she's heartbroken, but the surviving 5 do keep us busy)
and if that weren't enough, we are

2) fostering and socializing 2 rescued kittens for a couple weeks, mainly so that their "frisky" will do something to exorcize that particular room of its air of feline suffering.

It's working.
I should get to NG a little before 8pm-- sorry for the mistake. I might want to compare the Navy character to the dud I rolled up. (My character can't hold a rifle without being encumbered, and he is skilled in it! That's the Army for you.) Kidding, I like my dud-- although I am bringing a backup character.
Originally posted by Imperium Festerium:
We actually 1) have plenty cat left over (Charles was My Lovely Wife's favorite, and she's heartbroken, but the surviving 5 do keep us busy)
and if that weren't enough, we are

2) fostering and socializing 2 rescued kittens for a couple weeks, mainly so that their "frisky" will do something to exorcize that particular room of its air of feline suffering.

It's working.
Well, that's a good thing. Again, condolences. In a way, we were lucky when our first cat (a beautiful and feisty white Persian named Thea) passed away--it came completely out of nowhere. She seemed perfectly healthy when we left in the morning, but we came home to find her curled up in her favorite spot. Perhaps a stroke? It was a pretty hard blow, but at least there seemed to have been no suffering.
William, I think your "Dud" will actually work out quite nicely! Besides, where y'all are going, He'll be able to schlep a rifle pretty easily.

Thea sounds like she ended pretty well. I would have wished that for Charles - he was always so scared at the vet's.
Well, I think we had a pretty good start at it last night! Neutral Ground is better named "Deafening Ground" so it was a little hard to keep a clear line of thought going, and me bein' a bit rusty made it so that the possibility of meeting my goal "One quickie adventure, starting at 8 sharp, ending on the dot at 10, complete" proved laughably remote. It got started, though, and it's a good group, and I'll continue it either next week or the next.

I've got four, but I'm not agin' adding another one or two.
NG was NG (no good). I couldn't hear anything. I was neither surprised nor disappointed that we didn't finish in one session. Rather hope we can continue, and make it a campaign.