Later CT books include a bunch of FASA staffers, too...Guy McLamour,
I don't mind them, but I always leave the option to describe vaguely and go to a roll; RP only helps the roll, and in the end, I usually send it to a roll, modified by roleplay and/or out of character statements of direction of the interaction.
I started doing that in about 1990 - Dave, ex-Navy, got a TBI in a back alley on shore patrol. Dropped his IQ about 30 points, and while he was fairly bright, that left him at "warm summer day IQ" and limited ability to RP.
He wanted to play something other than a fighter... so with group approval, we just let him give a few words of what direction, then filled in the dialogue for him. That group also ended RCMQ's dump-statting of Charisma...
Some times, the inclusive choice is the one to rely on the dice.