SOC-14 1K
FF&S explains it:1. Does propulsion depend on weight or volume?
In essence it's really mass, but we use volume instead for simplicity.TNE FF&S, p69:
Thrust requirements are abstracted by tying thrust energy requirements to hull displacement rather than craft mass. This is an obvious abstraction, but one which is necessary for ease of design. Too many variables affect ship mass throughout the design process, and tying thrust to mass would require you to continually redesign and redesign to get a workable craft. In our opinion, the thrust-to-mass formula is a workable compromise, especially since spacecraft tend to have the same general density. The correction factor for very high mass-to-volume designs takes care of any important distortions.
There is presumably some limit, as with any engineering. Perhaps about 1 tonne/m3 is normal, with a bit of safety margin.2. Can the floor handle the heavier interpretation?
In other words, if you stuff your Free Trader full of lead, it will not lift off, but probably break apart...