Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
Your infantry is bunched up. Besides you said the mech force was TL-11 and the Non Mech force was TL-12. So the Gauss Rifles and PGMP-12's should be with the dismount force. The ACR's should be in the Mech force. If you are down a Tech Level then you are in trouble anyway. PGMP-12s and/or RAM Grenades should be sufficient to take out a TL-11 APC. (And you should be carrying at least one ATGM equivalent per platoon.)
Infantry is most definitely not bunched up. They are dispersed as much as possible, even to a potentially unrealistic extent. If they were bunched up the autocannon would be targeting 15 per round. The maximum dispersal you can achieve in Striker is 4-man stands, unless everyone in the unit is high initiative. The mechanized infantry have four APC's which means four autocannon. Each autocannon can target a seperate 4-man fire team. The autofire rules for Striker indicate that for every two you throw higher than your required throw you hit an additional target. The autocannon require a 4+ to hit out to something like 2.5 kilometers. On average they've been hitting two targets per stand they've targeted. Their penetration is 20 versus the combat armor defense factor of 10, which results in an automatic KIA for every hit.
Note that even if this were in an urban environment, thermal imaging would allow the targeting of troops inside buildings or behind rubble. And the armor piercing nature of the autocannon would easily penetrate. Now, in this particular scenario I'm not sure the APC's have thermal imaging, but I'm just mentioning this as a sort of aside.
Back to the scenario at hand...every time a stand takes this many casualties, it is likely pinned down or forced back, which means it can't return fire. Additionally, the tech level 12 troops are armed wih gauss rifles and fire-through rifle grenades. Only the rifle grenades have a chance of hurting the APC...though I'll need to check on whether it's possible they can target the APC's deck guns which, since they're not in a turret, they only have an armor factor of 10,and could, with a lucky shot, be damaged by a gauss rifle penetration of 6. In any case, despite being equipped with both map boxes and battle computers, it takes 2 turns to pass the orders to load up the rifle grenades and engage the APC's instead of the leg infantry, and then another turn to do the actual re-loading. That's three turns of fire from four APC autocannon.
Each squad (squad, not stand) has one FGMP-14. In the last turn of battle (I'm on turn four or five right now) the Vargr FGMP-14 gunner smoked one of the APC's. It was the first shot the mercs got off. The other two stands with FGMP-14's are currently suppressed as a result of failing morale.
I think you've misunderstood what I was describing for the forces...
Mercenary Unit: Tech Level 12 (mostly) with three total Tech Level 14 FGMP's. Straight Infantry, no armor. 27-man dismounted infantry platoon mostly armed with gauss rifles and fire-through rifle grenades. Combat Armor, except for the fusion gunners who are in battledress.
Sword Worlds Gram Mechanized Infantry Platoon: Tech Level 11. Each squad consists of a grav APC (3 crew members) and a four-man team of leg infantry. Three squads in the platoon. Platoon leader is a Command APC. That's four APC's and 12 dismounted infantry. 24 total manpower when factoring in the crew members.
It's the APC unit that is "down" on tech level by one. Perhaps the mercenaries should be equipped with tac missiles. However, that's a complicated sequence of events...once again, pass the order to set up the tac missile, spend the time setting them up, and then firing them. The APC's during this whole time are under a mere "fire" command and can just keep unloading with those deadly autocannon. By the time the tac missiles are away the APC's have killed or routed the infantry.
The mercenary troop commander has called in the Broadsword's Cutter for close ground support. But that is a loooong way off from arriving.
So the Fusion Gunners are really the unit's only hope. I have to check the rules to see if the Vargr Fusion Gunner can fire again in the enemy fire phase...I think he can since he's wearing battledress. If I'm right he has an excellent chance of smoking a second APC, reducing the Gram Mechanized Infantry unit to 2 autocannons before they can fire again. At that point the mercenaries have a good chance of rallying and turning the battle around. But they've already lost 9 of 27 men KIA.
This is a completely canon combat, by the way, taken directly from Adventure 7: Broadsword. It is the "Ambush" mission from that adventure.
I'm learning as I go, and it's entirely possible that I've mis-applied or mis-understood rules here and there. However, it's pretty clear to me that whatever the outcome the Gram Mechanized Infantry have fought the mercenaries to an absolute standstill despite being lower-tech. What is equally clear is that without their APC's they would have been completely out-matched.