Originally posted by alanb:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
But for Mercs, I don't tend to do vehicles. I use small craft. Vehicles are too limited in scope for most Merc Operations.
Totally nuts.
"Most Merc Operations" have no use for small craft whatsoever. Or for starships. </font>[/QUOTE]
Cross Posted.
The biggest reason for a Merc Unit to have a Starship, is so they can get to the next job. Finding passage for 200 effectives, armor and supplies, to arrive at the target and possibly land under fire, is a bit difficult. Especially if the next ticket isn't the next system along a Main. Most Mercenary Tickets are not on nice High Population Worlds with Class A Starports. (So traffic is limited.) Further under standard economic rules, any commercial ship with a Jump capacity above 1 and a mortgage can not afford to ship cargo at carriage rates. (Their holds have to be full of profitable Speculative Cargo.)
No commercial ship is going to be happy about carrying a unit of Mercenaries, in any event. (Fear of Hijacking.) Further they certainly aren't going to let a Merc unit train while aboard.
Your unit will arrive piecemeal and in an unpredictable amount of time, especially if the location of the ticket is not on a Main close to the previous ticket.
The reason that a typical Mercenary Unit will want Small Craft is that the typical ticket location would require small craft to conduct operations. Limiting yourself to operations where you don't need Small Craft to conduct operations, and/or where you can effectively use Armor and Mech operations, compounds your need for a Starship, as the choice of locations for tickets are quite a bit farther apart.
With the exception of Insurgent/Counter-Insurgent operations most wars even at TL7/8 last between 4 weeks and 6 months. Many of the reasons that Co-In operations last longer is Political and not military. The reason Wars lasted longer at lower Tech levels is that it takes time to concentrate and position forces. At even higher Tech Levels, this would still be the case, if not more so. As sensors and Intelligence Gathering Technology improves even Insurgency Operations will last less time. (Because it is more difficult to hide.) This is especially apparent when one side has a serious Tech advantage. So unless you are bogged down in Co-In Operations, you will need to move your unit on a regular basis, probably more than twice a year.
But in all fairness, the specification for the ship in the OP called for small craft, so the rest of this reason that a Merc unit might want small craft or a starship is unimportant in this instance. The Merc Unit wants both a Starship and Small Craft. (Whether they need them or not.)