I'm new to traveller and at this point I only have the core book to mongoose's version. I've been working on a lot of ship designs, and I'm going to pick up High Guard with this next paycheck because I love ship design, but I ran into problems doing what I'm doing right now.
In order to make bigger ships I broke down the creation tables into formulas. Don't know if I'm allowed to post those here though, as they aren't technically in the OGL.
My question is about Hull Performance, which is the one table I can't seem to crack. Is there a table in high guard that states what drive # you need for each performance level per hull volume like the core book, or does it finally just tell us the formula to figure it out without the table?
According to the table I've discovered that you can get the initial drive # for a Jump/Thrust 1 by taking hull tonnage and dividing by 200. I'm pretty sure the formula is more complicated than that, I just can't figure it out. Been too long out of Algebra I think.
The drive # is then used in all the other formulas, which I've already figured out.
In order to make bigger ships I broke down the creation tables into formulas. Don't know if I'm allowed to post those here though, as they aren't technically in the OGL.
My question is about Hull Performance, which is the one table I can't seem to crack. Is there a table in high guard that states what drive # you need for each performance level per hull volume like the core book, or does it finally just tell us the formula to figure it out without the table?
According to the table I've discovered that you can get the initial drive # for a Jump/Thrust 1 by taking hull tonnage and dividing by 200. I'm pretty sure the formula is more complicated than that, I just can't figure it out. Been too long out of Algebra I think.
The drive # is then used in all the other formulas, which I've already figured out.