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MGT2ndEd, Military Benefits


I don't often use military characters in my games, so I have only now noticed that, when rolling for Benefits, a Rank 6 Enlisted character (Master Sargent in the Army) rolls exactly the same number of dice, with the same adjustment (+1) as would a Rank 6 Officer character (General in the Army). Is there some rule I have missed, or does the Imperium give exactly the same pay rate, and other benefits, to a General as they do a Master Sargent?
The in game benefits are the same, yes. Commissioned rank is mostly chrome in the char gen process.

I don't think we should draw any conclusions about Imperial pay-scales from that.
Sergeants run the Army.

In theory, a well oiled military has a highly skilled non commissioned segment that ensures the that the nuts and bolts run, and since they know where to apply the grease, also how to leverage that for maximum pay out.

A lot of inventory can disappear or be reported as destroyed; in the more interesting military science fiction, there's a gray market where they're exchanged for goods and services to benefit their assigned units.
Would you agree that a house rule that gives some additional benefit (perhaps doubling of cash rolls for example) to Officers is a reasonable house rule, or would that possibly throw the game balance off (e.g. no one would want to play enlisted characters anymore)?
Yes, that is probably reasonable.

I would not call starting cash all that important. Skills, characteristics, and starships are important...
For those going adventuring, since you can always get more money, legally or otherwise.

For thirty year veterans, they'd probably prefer the money.