If anyone's sick of hearing me on this, just let me know and I'll give it a rest. That said:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TJP:
First of all, let me say that I am one of those Virus Era haters as well. I agree with mjwest above, it was a terrible move for Traveller. It was like pressing a reset button for the whole Traveller universe. Like reading a book for 400 pages only to be told that, the last 400 pages didn't matter, forget them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I agree 100% that Virus and the clean-slate approach GDW used to transition from MT to TNE was an epic Bad Idea. I hated it at the time and I hate it still. That said, I still think that by moving far enough beyond it 'historical continuity' can be reestablished with the collapse of the 3I and ensuing Short Nap looking like just 2 more episodes in the grand Historical Sweep. True, the MT storylines are still thrown out, which is still a shame, but 2-3 centuries later you've still got all the same Races (Vargr, Aslan, etc) and Cultures (Vilani, Solomani, etc) and it's recognizably the same Universe, even if the folks in control dress and act differently (after all, the Interstellar Wars vs Long Night vs 3rd Imperium are all vastly different styles/settings, yet all accepted as part of the same Universe).
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone said that TNE should have been called "Twilight: 1200" and I agree. Same kind of situation with same kind of goals (survive to see the next day).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
But, following that analogy, 300 years from T2K gave us T:2300. The same magnitude of changes can occur over the same span of time in the OTU too. It's certainly possible for people to like the T:2300 setting while having no interest (or even distaste) for T2K (including me), and the same should be possible for M:1400 (or 1500 or 1600) vis a vis TNE.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Some of you want Traveller to move beyond the Virus Era and beyond TL 15. I fear that will produce something resembling Star Wars/Trek with lots of technobabble gadgets. To me that's what Traveller is not. I always liked Traveller at TL 12 or so. I originally was drawn to Traveller universe because it had more hard SF feel to it. It was very nice to see a SF-RPG without blasters/phasers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Traveller (at least in MT, and probably FF&S though I don't have it on-hand) already has a technology spectrum defined up to TL-21, it's just that in every incarnation of the game thus far society has maxed out at 15/16. IMO it would be nice to actually have a setting which allowed us to use some of that 'ultra-tech' without having to resort to the old 'Ancients artifact' excuse. As long as our attitudes and approaches remain consistent, simply raising the TL another step or two won't automatically cause the game to throw logic out the window and become instant Star Trek.
Sure, the feel may be more 'fantastic' and the science a little less 'hard,' but IMO Traveller should be about providing diverse options, and an ultra-tech Far Future (still grounded on the 'hard science' Trav Tech-Scale) is one quite interesting option that hasn't been provided to date, to the game's detriment. There's ample room to set a Traveller game at any TL from 15 down, but (although the rules provide for it) there's currently no place in the OTU for anything higher-tech.
There's a definite market for sci-fi of a more exotic and less conservative nature than traditional TL9-15 Trav has provided, and I see no reason why we can't exploit that and bring those people into the Greater Traveller Universe rather than summarily turning our backs on a significant portion of 'the future' just because a) it doesn't feel like what we're used to, or b) it doesn't match our personal interests.
Which brings me to my last point: if you don't like the idea of a TL-17 post-TNE Future setting, don't play in it. That's the (theoretical*) beauty of having multiple settings and milieux within the same Future History: something for everybody. Adam's game is set during the Interstellar Wars, Betty's in Milieu 0, Chuck's during the Rebellion, and Doug's in Milieu 1500, but it's all still Traveller, and that's what's great (except that Betty uses half-dice and a weird task system, but that's an entirely different rant
*Theoretical, of course, because in reality the tendency will always be to follow what sells and give the biggest subset of fans what they're after: if you've got a vocal group clamoring for more detail on M:200, that's obviously going to take precedence over introducing a new self-contained Interstellar Wars milieu that will only appeal to a select few -- at least from the pov of actually moving product.