Minis all the way, dudes. (So I grew up on AD&D tactical battles, so what?) I have originals of the (was it Citadel?) minis now re-released by RAFM:
I think everyone in our group has some of these miniatures, either Citadel originals or RAFM re-releases.
Examples include:
Infantry pack = can be used for combat armor or cbt environ suit
War hounds = Vargr
Car Leonis = Aslan
Dracos = Droyne
Space Pirates = original set of PC's
On the next page:
Powered armor = battledress variant
Support staff = contains more aliens,as above, incl. an Aslan with ceremonial staff
And the grav tanks are based n the original, too (although these days they're resin instead of lead).
Finally, I've just picked up a few sets of GZG (Ground Zero Games) minis as well:
I grabbed the two SG15-X04A & B crew sets that look strangely familiar <cough>Firefly</cough> plus some vac-suited military types. As mentioned elsewhere, Jon threw in a set of his new figures as well. Excellent doing business with him, even tho' he's in the UK and I'm in Oz.
EDIT: just remembered: I have about three sets of SJ's original Cardboard Heroes for Traveller, and as well as a grav tank I have a G-Carrier and an air/raft floating around somewhere. ;-)