There could be a place in some TU where people feel a life is worth any investment. My view of the Imperium is that they would not be so proactive but perhaps it's because I never analyzed the misjump (and survive) statistics for the game system I use since the folks I game with regard misjumps as something left more up to the GM than a die roll.
Boom, ship destroyed or misjumping and being months off course derailing a carefully planned adventure and campaign were not something to be left to the dice.
I guess if misjumps were common enough...
In CT, they're not happening unless risky.
In MT, every ship can expect to do so twice in a mortgage, and have minor relativity or exit issues every 1.5 years. (Note that a safe jump is
NOT defined as a Safe Task in MT.)
In TNE, they're sadly common, tho not normally bad, but this has more to do with the equipment wear and skill rules than the misjump rules, as the actual rules for jump provide for a no-roll safe jump on a ship with no damage, refined fuel, and past 100D)
CT & MT, For any ship under 1300Td, RAW, the best self-rescue from a misjump is a fuel bay for an additional J1, as a jump capable subcraft is 100Td, and takes 130 tons when docked.
In TNE, given the 5td Inflatable Jump Missile (which inflates to 100Td), you still have to give it 10Td of fuel for it to jump, so that's 15 Td minimum, which means it's a cheaper option than additional J1 fuel for 150+tons. Given the alternate approach (the craft isn't inflatable, but JDrives minimum effective bubble size and fuel need is the same as for 100Td ships), you instead get a 15Td missile. This gives you a J1 missile to send a message. Given TNE's 1 year PP duration, on a misjump, it's go to half rations and slightly reduced O2, giving you 4 weeks, lethargic passengers, and a minimum 2 week wait for rescue.
T4, using the same design sequences as TNE, has the same issues.