I didn't see a header for non-canon rules options, e.g. home-brew rules, so am asking this here, and am interested in if others have come up with other Misjump events, other than jumping away randomly, one parsec, or 1 - 6 parsecs away, as in Classic Traveller?
Some options I'm considering are:
1. no jump at all - navigation system, and/or FTL drive prevents the jump for some reason, or another, especially if it is a hurried process;
2. as above, but FTL system is also damaged, and must be repaired before another jump attempt is made;
3. micro-jump - in-system transit faster than STL speed, but less than one light year, or parsec away;
4. other?
Still trying to come up with some other ideas, preferably related to hurried jump FTL spooling, which will usually result in the vessel staying in the current star system, to be pursued by enemy vessels, or left at the mercy of others, and/or navigational hazards.
Any other ideas?
I'm considering using the above, along with a graduated chance of misjumps for attempts at entering FTL at less than 1,000 planetary diameters. At 100 diameters or less, misjumps still automatically occur. At 101 - 200 diameters, that chance drops down to 81% (9 squared); at 501 - 600 diameters there's a 25% chance of a misjump (5 squared); and, at 901 - 999 diameters, there's a 1% chance of a misjump (1 squared).
This will give those blockade running pilots a chance to get away from pursuers, in some cases, and complicate system defense a bit more for the patrol vessels.
Some options I'm considering are:
1. no jump at all - navigation system, and/or FTL drive prevents the jump for some reason, or another, especially if it is a hurried process;
2. as above, but FTL system is also damaged, and must be repaired before another jump attempt is made;
3. micro-jump - in-system transit faster than STL speed, but less than one light year, or parsec away;
4. other?
Still trying to come up with some other ideas, preferably related to hurried jump FTL spooling, which will usually result in the vessel staying in the current star system, to be pursued by enemy vessels, or left at the mercy of others, and/or navigational hazards.
Any other ideas?
I'm considering using the above, along with a graduated chance of misjumps for attempts at entering FTL at less than 1,000 planetary diameters. At 100 diameters or less, misjumps still automatically occur. At 101 - 200 diameters, that chance drops down to 81% (9 squared); at 501 - 600 diameters there's a 25% chance of a misjump (5 squared); and, at 901 - 999 diameters, there's a 1% chance of a misjump (1 squared).
This will give those blockade running pilots a chance to get away from pursuers, in some cases, and complicate system defense a bit more for the patrol vessels.