Hi Lionel,
Yeah I'm not sure it'll work as is, can't even recall for sure which system I had the basic idea worked out for anymore, or the details. It might have been TNE FF&S1 but its just a haunted kind of feeling not a real memory. Anyway the idea was a breakdown into three (four?)* tradeoffs:
Acceleration (and to hit) basically how big is the drive (rocket, thruster plate, whatever)
Endurance (ultimately range) the fuel (propellant or battery usually)
Payload (damage and electronics) the parts that makes it go KABOOM, and at the right time and place
*I might have had the payload broken into two seperate categories at one point, damage and smarts
I know I have this all written down somewhere, or did

but just where it is now is difficult to say
I recall building a few to a dozen variants across a couple TLs with some design system and finding that they could all be handwaved very closely along those lines, at least in the middle (i.e. reasonable TL's and performance parameters). It broke down some when pushed to extremes (like very low and high TL's or all go and no payload, though I think mines, i.e. all payload and no go, did work reasonably well).
Anyway I thought it might add to design ideas or offer a simple off the cuff system for those who don't need to know that every nut and bolt has been accounted for in the design.
Ah one last thought, I also recall this being for the standard 50kg missile where you get three of those per launcher. Or IMTU the military and para-military have access to larger missiles (torpedoes imtu) of 150kg fitting one per launcher. These torpedoes would of course have triple the resources available in such a system (i.e. Missile factor = 3x TL where factor is total of max Gs + max turns + d6 damage dice). Oh and all my missiles max out at 6g for the standard and 18g for the torpedoes, I think, iirc
Also ("oh just go to bed already") all missiles in that version of mtu were nuke proximity detonation. No det lasers, no conventional explosives, no impactors, just nice clean KABOOMs. The small ones were allowed under Imperial Articles of War (i.e. exempt from the use Nukes and die rules) for legitimate ship owners. The bigger ones were the ones referenced in the No Nukes ruling and limited to use by the Imperium or its designated powers (i.e. conscripted forces or hired mercenaries). Not that such "rules" would stop the criminally minded from acquiring and using them.
OK, enough rambling, I'm not sure this is still helping so I should probably leave it there for now.