one PB takes up a whole triple turret.
As this is under "changes on core book rules", I asume it as an errata fixing (as are the differences among Blasers and Plasers, also in the same chapter), so I guess it should be applied to CB designed ships too, not as a change in HG.
out of intrest, is their official word about weather PB are affected by sand? or if you can use them as point defence? I narrow interpretation of the rules as written would imply not, but I would have assumed yes to both myself.
From MgT LLB2:HG, page 74:
Sand: sand protects against incoming laser attacks and missile (...)
Point defense lasers: Point defense lasers (...)
(Bold is original, undelining is mine)
So, to my understanding, answer is no to both questions, as sand only protects against lasers and missiles and point defense are lasers.
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