Patron Zero
.....Merchant Missile bays make sense, insurance against the odd pirate, and fairly cheap if you don't operate where you actually use them. If you use them with any frequency then speed computer and other renewable cheaper things make sense. The fact is anything more than a 20 or so tons on a 200 ton trader makes it a negative business plan. Mark.
That's pretty much where my thoughts originally went for this thread, my only variant of said position is that Merchant missile 'bays' would be smaller in scale than such found on naval ships.
I see more the 'bay' broken-down into not one dedicated fixture but more as a series of VLS-type spread-about a merchant ship for reasons of damage control and ease of placement in non-military vessels.
Perhaps a ship could be 'limited' to a certain tonnage related to merchant-class missiles but such not need-be all housed in one location.