How about dropping the alien stereotyping and accepting that individuals of any race may find a reason to be crewing a ship - yes, even a solitary K'kree.
There are umpteen billions of K'kree, yet not one of them can stand to be solitary and part of a crew with meat eaters.
Absolute tosh, there is more variety in humans here on Earth today than in the stereotyped aliens of the OTU.
You do have a good point here, so long as we moderate, but not entirely do away with the canon racial traits.
The last CT campaign I ran had a solitary K'Kree as the ship-owner/group leader.
He was a refugee - he had been crew on a K'Kree "scout" (the smallest type of ship that K'Kree can live on for an extended period), which was damage. The rest of the crew had been killed, and he coped the only way he could - kept their corpses around for "company", carrying out imaginary conversations to remain functional. This wasn't hard, as scout crews are considered borderline mental cases anyway (no truly sane K'Kree can live in a ship without an open commons and "herd" of 20+).
Unfortunately, by the time another ship (human) chanced upon the J-drive-damaged ship, they had begun to rot, and he had gone completely insane (from a K'Kree viewpoint). He had jettisoned their bodies, and the olfactory relief (plus not having to see their decomposing bodies) was such that he began to "enjoy" the solitude.
The smell of meat-eating humans wasn't nearly as bad as that of rotting K'Kree (clean, unspoiled meat & blood was almost like perfume by then), so that didn't bother him. However, when he was repatriated, the sight of the K'Kree Ambassadorial "welcome committee" triggered a PTSD flashback,
and he saw (and smelled) them as a group of rotting zombie-K'Kree, come to turn him into one of them. He fled, and worked his way deeper into Terran space.
He eventually got a ship built (by a Droyne
krinaytsoyni ship designer, who signed on with him. He signed on a pair of "felinids" (one Aslan male outcast who was an ex-Terran Navy fighter pilot, and the other a custom-created minor-race ex-Terran small-craft maintainer), and eventually a couple of humans (one an Anne McCaffrey-style heavyworlder) (all PCs), as well as a handful of human NPC crew.
Yes, there was even a Vargr Medic PC in the company (which had, by then, grown to a 3-ship Mercenary/Exploration corporation) before the end of the campaign.
{Edit: And no, the K'Kree never started eating meat.}