Have you guys considered the cellular agent model?
note: the following is NOT specifically in any programming language...:but is expressed in C-ish
struct world
{ uInt8 Hex;
connection connectionsPtr;
struct* nextWorldPtr;
struct connection
{ world* worldPtr;
connection* nextConnectionPtr;
on each pass (8 days, for a basic implementation)
cycle through the worlds, and update by AND method the bitwise list of datums for each connection, using a linked list of connected worlds.
on each world, you cycle through the connections; each connections world object is targeted for a bitwise and operation of the current world's datum list and its extant datum list.
you can then cycle output for listing. Essentially, it bypasses the hex-grid entirely. (A world should have a connection for each world in J2 range, and then any 1 XBoat jump if on an XBoat route...)
Once the dynamic array is established, one can simply reset the bitwise strings to 0 for a new solution. By using long (16,32 or 64bit - varies by platform) ints, one can pack a lot of data.
should be fairly fast for smaller areas, as in domains or less...
My problem is that
A) I'm too lazy to implement it
B) even if I did, I'm way too lazy to dig out all the worlds and create the source data
C) I don't do enough filesystem data work to know how to save the resultant file and reextract it...
note: the following is NOT specifically in any programming language...:but is expressed in C-ish
struct world
{ uInt8 Hex;
connection connectionsPtr;
struct* nextWorldPtr;
struct connection
{ world* worldPtr;
connection* nextConnectionPtr;
on each pass (8 days, for a basic implementation)
cycle through the worlds, and update by AND method the bitwise list of datums for each connection, using a linked list of connected worlds.
on each world, you cycle through the connections; each connections world object is targeted for a bitwise and operation of the current world's datum list and its extant datum list.
you can then cycle output for listing. Essentially, it bypasses the hex-grid entirely. (A world should have a connection for each world in J2 range, and then any 1 XBoat jump if on an XBoat route...)
Once the dynamic array is established, one can simply reset the bitwise strings to 0 for a new solution. By using long (16,32 or 64bit - varies by platform) ints, one can pack a lot of data.
should be fairly fast for smaller areas, as in domains or less...
My problem is that
A) I'm too lazy to implement it
B) even if I did, I'm way too lazy to dig out all the worlds and create the source data
C) I don't do enough filesystem data work to know how to save the resultant file and reextract it...