With apologies to the CT folks, I use the FF&S II rules to design my modular freighters. A TL 15 modular freighter will have a base ship which is some tonnage N with a J6 performance, and using the drive derating rules decrease the jump performance as I add modules to the hull.
For N = 200 there are 14 Dt of Jdrive, that gives us the following points of refrence
Max ship volume for J1 performance is N*3.5 which in this example is 700 Dt
This is obtained by 14/.02=700
The set point for each succeding performance points are:
J2 14/.03 = 466 2/3
J3 14/.04 = 350
J4 14/.05 = 280
J5 14/.06 = 233 1/3
J fuel usage at each point's max jump
J6 = 120
J5 = 117
J4 = 112
J3 = 105
J2 = 94
J1 = 70
and of interest is the 600 dt point, here you get two consecutive J1 on internal tankage or do the same with a 10 Dt fuel bladder at the 700 dt point.
I use this ship type on a 6 world route where the worlds visited are profitable only in one direction, using the J6 to get back to the start of the sequense, selling off the 500 Dt of cargo module at the last world, and picking up a new one at the shipyard every 12 weeks.
I use a grapple mounted in the 500 dt cargo module to grapple the ship rather than having the ship grapple the cargo module. Grapple in cargo module for 200 Dt ship = 10 Dt. grapple in ship for 500 Dt cargo module = 25
********************** Ship Design follows****************
The Cargo Star is a Dome configuration with the maneuver drive mounted at the apex of the dome instead of on the flat, the ship is intended for use with a 500 Dt cargo module grappling at the flat surface, reducing it's performance to J-1
Advanced composites 2800 m3 volume AV=20 Mcr .183 Mass 183.59
The hull is unstreamlined and is stressed for 2 G's
J-6 drive 196 M3 588 Mt -50.4 MW MCr 58.8
Tl 15 power plant 17.2 M3 34.4 Mt 117.4 MW MCr 3.432
HePLAR 11.35 M3 11.35 Mt -113.5 MW MCr.01 22700 KN thrust 8.258 M3/hr fuel.
Maneuver fuel 32 M3 2.28 Mt * 4 Hours of fuel
PP Fuel 12 M3 .83 Mt * 1 year of fuel
J-Fuel 1680 M3 120 Mt
Fuel pureifier 84 M3 168 Mt -2.1 MW .063 MCr (refine installed tankage in 24 hours)
1 G compensation 4.2 M3 .084 Mt -2.94 MW .21 MCr
Life support IV 17 M3 1.68 Mt -1.1 MW .02MCr *complete air/water reclycling, no need for life support CR2000/ two weeks per person*
5 1/2 staterooms 140 M3 10 Mt .2 MCr
Food storage 12 M3 1.15 Mt MCr .005 (1 year for 5 people)
1 Air lock 6 M3 .4 Mt .01 MCr
Notes: Environmental section is set up for a mission duration of 1 year before the ship needs to take on additional food/ and or perform maintenance on the life support systems. This is taken care of during annual maintenance.
Electronics and controls:
2 full workstations and 3 1/2 workstations provided for the crew of 5
workstations 49 M3 .7 Mt .007 MCr
3 computers mounted CP4 CM.25
Computers 4 M3 .8266Mt -3.56 MW .33 MCr
PEMS 12.5 Sens .1 M3 .1Mt minor power .5MCr
Active Scanner sens 11 .5M3 .5Mt.1MW .2MCr
Laser comm 1000 AU .015 M3 .03 Mt .03 MW .18 MCr
Tight beam radio 500BKM range
.011 M3 .022 Mt .11MW .08 MCr
Crew, one pilot /Navigator
one Electronics operator/tech
Three engineers
Ship's locker 1 M3 .2 Mt
Cargo bay 518 M3 (37 Dt) 518 Mt
1 cargo bay door large .02 Mcr
Performance 1.4 G's loaded, 2.0 G's empty 1 Jump 6 1 year endurance 4 Hours maneuver fuel for total loaded Delta V of 11.2 G turns. May operate on unrefined fuel without misjump risk. There are no provision for hard points.
With a 500 Ton cargo module attached performance drops to .26 G's loaded and Jump 1, 50Dt additional fuel may be dirverted to M-Drive usage adding aproximatley 95 more hours of thrust for total delta V of 49 Gturns.
Loaded performance assumes a cargo mass of 1 Mt per M3, your performance will vary depending on the mass of your cargo.
Ship costs 64.26 MCr, 70.68MCr with design fee and 52.40 MCr in a production run
500 Dt freight module
1 airlock, 1 large hatch, 1 grapple for a 200 Dt ship, 6839 M3 of cargo (488.5 Dt) loaded mass 7154.4 Mt empty mass 315.44 Mt cost .23 MCr, .1806 MCr in production run.
Armour value of the cargo module is 10, there is no provision for life support , heat or lights, and is intended for transport of bulk non perishable, vacuum safe goods or airtight shipping containers with their own envrionmental controls. The cargo module is stressed for 1 G acceleration.