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(Mongoose) Signs & Portents 93 - Annic Nova


The latest issue of Signs & Portents has just been posted on our web site, and we have a cracking issue for you this month, with a new official fleet list for Noble Armada and a complete classic adventure for Traveller. You can grab an issue now at;


In this month's issue;

We have the fully updated classic adventure Annic Nova. Your players will discover a strange ship floating in deep space...

Lone Wolf
We are talking Giak this month - who need Klingon?

Deus Vult
A range of devices ordained by the Church to combat evil.

Judge Dredd
A complete mission that will have the Judges tracking down the murder of a well known mark.

RuneQuest II
A brand new cult to insert into your campaign.

How to handle an absent player in a regular campaign.

A Call to Arms: Noble Armada
The Kurgan fleet has arrived - we present the complete fleet list, ready for play, and unveil the brand new ships.

RuneQuest II Vikings
A complete adventure for north men with horned helmets.

A Call to Arms: Noble Armada
Detailed reports on our Open Day and first official tournament!
Great, thanks!

I haven't fully read through Annic Nova yet, but it's good to see.

Also, interesting news about Runequest II/Wayfarer. I was playing Runequest sans Glorantha back in the 70's, enjoyed it quite a bit. The materials made it a bit hard to avoid Glorantha then, but I wanted my own bronze-age world. Steve Henderson and Steve Perrin were SCA friends I fought with regularly ('fought' as in with rattan weapons for fun).

I like the small book format, so I expect to pick up Wayfarer's core book when it appears.
