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Whilst I don't have any strong feeligns either way on principle, I do find that the "transients excluded" thing can be very useful in practice. When you come across yet another world with a population of 400 and a class A starport (with 60,000 employees), imprecise definitions can be the only loophole you've got. Ah yes, the class A port is actually an orbiting shipyard that isn't counted as part of the population.

I'd much rather fix bad UWPs like this than make excuses for them, but such is life.
The idea of rewriting UWPs to make them usable and internally consistent is the debate, I'm thinking...
I have, up till now, been an ardent supporter of using the current UWP and justifying the resulting planet...I've even come up with some interesting examples. Heck - I've even fought with the ancients about NOT replacing UWPs from even sources of questionable canon as the HIWG and the Genii files...But if the Official canonical UWPs are so worhtless, isn't it time that either the rules be changed to develop usable planets, OR the game companies rewrite the sectors to make them playable.
I worked for a month on each 'official' sector that I have so far produced - it takes time to eliminate supid UWP (the sector capital has a UWP of E100100-3 ???) and TRY to make them a playable resource...So why didn't GDW, DGP, JG, and the rest playtest them to find out what utter tripe it is to have a planet 5 parsecs from Capital that didn't gain one soul in over a thousand years, yet still has a B starport and a naval AND a scout base????
I'm so sorry MJD that I ever said anything. Let's get about it and rewrite every one of the freaking sectors (except the Ref preserves) and make the game consistent and playable in the OTU.

There is a project currently underway on the JTAS boards to redo the Spinward Marches. I'm not sure how far it's going to get since all it seems to be doing at the moment is whittling down mid to low populations on worlds that are basically uninhabitable (and removing all population from worlds where the tech is too low for them to survive). It's a start though.

It'd be a mammoth task to make all the worlds realistic though. I'm vastly more interested in making them physically realistic than socially/politically realistic, and that's a huge task in itself - the star types are flawed, stellar distribution is crazy (there's a vast excess of massive stars on the map compared to low mass ones. In a subsector with about 35 stars on the map, there should be about 150 M stars that aren't shown!), you get habitable worlds around red giants or in systems with white dwarf companions, most worlds smaller than about size 4 in the habitable zone shouldn't even have atmospheres because they're not massive enough, and so on. Oh yes, and most of the stars around Sol are totally in the wrong positions, even accounting for the fact that they're all about 45 degree away from their actual positions because apparently MWM et al got the direction to the galactic core wrong (if you look at the Sol subsector map, the galactic core according to that is in reality off towards the top-right corner)

I don't think it's something that's really suited for a group effort though - different people have different ideas of what they consider 'realistic'.
Yeah, the dearth of MV stars is a major problem with the OTU map. There'd be no such thing as an empty hex, although a few might have a star with no planets from which to draw fuel, they'd at least be a natural beacon for a fuel depot.
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rancke:
No, but the UWP is far less useful if it doesn't include the average transient population, and various formulas for calculating the GWP of worlds (in TCS, Striker, Pocket Empires, and Far Trader) certainly assumes that it does.
But of those the first two are not meant to apply to the RPG OTU and so any such assumption seems false for them.</font>[/QUOTE]I beg to differ. I can't dispute that Marc Miller has chosen to decanonize TCS and Striker twenty years after they were published, but they were most demonstrably meant to apply to the OTU. The two subsectors detailed in TCS is still part of the OTU and the part of Striker I refer to says "Using Striker with Traveller" in large friendly letters.

I don't remember getting that impression from anything I've read but certainly Pocket Empires presents an extreme case so I can't see it applying to the stable OTU Imperium.
Rules are rules, at least rules as simple as those that deal with population sizes and productivity in Pocket Empires. There no reason why they shouldn't also apply to the stable Imperium. Especially since the UWPs are supposed to be universal and certainly applies outside the stable Imperium too.

I've never seen Far Trader. Is there a specific bit in it that says so?
The rules and all the trade figures given (which covers the entire Spinward Marches) assumes that the UWP population figure is an accurate factor in calculating the economic activity of the world.

I think I've said before that if Pop is an official tally of resident citizens it works with the trade formulas which rely on knowing how many people contribute to interstellar trade (and hence taxes) and travel, even if its just a fraction of those who are actually able to.
I'm not quite sure what your argument is, but my argument is that someone living and working on a world will contribute to the economy of that world regardless of whether he has lived there all his life and intend to go on living there until he dies or whether he came there last year and intend to leave next year. Whatever he is doing this year will affect the world he is working on, not the world he came from or the world he is going to.

So you have one example where it specifies that the Pop includes transients. I have one where it doesn't, Arkaene in EA #1.
That's the world that is described as having a thriving trade despite having an official population of 0? It really sounds like that example scores for my side when you think about it.

I don't think either case is strong enough on its own to make the call one way or another.
Actually, I agree. Which is why my main argument is that UWPs are much less useful if they are not accurate.

(OK, they are more useful if TPTB are willing to correct past mistakes. If they're not... :( )

Be that as it may, I fail to see much advantage in saying "You can't count on the UWP figures, because they don't include everything pertinent" rather than "Some UWP figures are wrong" and errata'ing them PDQ.

Personally I'm directly opposite your opinion and think the Pop should never include transients and if you do then you need a singularly good explanation for each instance. Otherwise shouldn't you count them at every world they land on?
It appears that we're thinking about different things when we use the term 'transient'. I'm thinking about people who live and work on the world the same way oil riggers 'live' on an oil platform. And I think that is the kind of transients people think of when they try to explain worlds with 60 people running Class A starports and garden worlds with 20 citizens.

And I said 'average transient population'. That's the figure that gives us a firm handle on how many buildings the colony has and how many law enforcers it can afford and how many spaceport dives there may be much interstellar cargo the world generates and how many ships visit it annually. Whereas the number of people who live there permanently tells us very little unless it's practically the same figure.

Since I don't use the canonical OTU, my use of the UWP numbers is literal, i.e. if the uwp says there are only 10's of people on the planet, there are only 10's of people on the planet. Of course, I never use computer randomly generated worlds or systems, so I can just tweak the numbers I get until I have what I want. Considering how much work many put into explaining the weird canon of the OTU, it's actually easier to do it my way, and just come up with your own universe. Traveller has always been much more about the feel of the universe, rather than the canonical OTU, since I started playing it before the OTU existed.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Personally I'm directly opposite your opinion and think the Pop should never include transients and if you do then you need a singularly good explanation for each instance. Otherwise shouldn't you count them at every world they land on? That would make the whole Pop digit completly useless week to week in an Empire that is supposed to be glacially slow to change.
You're looking at transient as anyone who sets foot on the planet, rather than people who have jobs on the planet (or its economically integral orbital facilities) for a limited time and are not citizens or permanent residents.

Besides, the problem only exists for the very smallest worlds (pop 3 and under) where ship traffic could move the entire population in a short time. There aren't enough ships or starport facilities to impact a pop 9 planet.