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MT compared to CT ... better?


while I was surfing on the net searching for some CT supplements and TRAVELLER in general, I found some reference to MEGATRAVELLER that made me think.

I read that MT set of rules was made collecting changes, revisions, additions, suggestions, errata etc ...
from CT players for years ... so I have few questions:

- is all MT compatible with CT?
- is MT really better and improved compared to CT?
- are there parts of the rules that can be interesting for CT?
- more important ... as expert CT players WHAT DO YOU THINK about MT?


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I'll be honest; I had issues with MT. The character creation was very good but I found the ship and vehicle design rules nearly incomprehensible and the "put everything into some kind of flowchart" presentation of the rules annoyed me.

Having said that, I absolutely loved the general presentation of MT (other than those charts) and the Imperial Encyclopedia was wonderful.

MT is the only edition of the game I currently don't have a copy of (well actually I guess I don't have GURPS Traveller anymore either), and I wil correct that one of these days.

Well, "better" is so qualitative :)

It's hard to say.

In one word I would probably describe MT as "complicated".

I read that MT set of rules was made collecting changes, revisions, additions, suggestions, errata etc ...
from CT players for years ...

That about sums it up, and in so doing it could have probably done with some better editing/proofing. It's own errata is legendary ;)

(some, even I, refer to it as MegaEratta on occasion :) )

...so I have few questions:

- is all MT compatible with CT?

Not so much, depending what you mean. It works differently but has a similar enough flavour. Conversion is possible but most of it is there in CT, some place or another.

- is MT really better and improved compared to CT?

Depends on what you're looking for in a game. Quick and easy to play is CT. MT is slower to play and prepare because it is more complicated (there's that word again... ). Complex is not always better.

- are there parts of the rules that can be interesting for CT?

I've long been trying to adapt some of the rules (vehicle combat integration leaps to mind) to play nice in CT, with limited success. Very limited.

- more important ... as expert CT players WHAT DO YOU THINK about MT?

Moi? An expert? No, not really.

I liked MT (or the promise anyway) when it came out (bought most of it, still have the main books) but found it hard to get the same feel in the play as CT. I recall it taking some time to understand all the changes and it never really clicked, partly because of the errata. Partly I think it was just too much (complexity again).

It was very good in each part, but trying to play a game involved just too much rule searching and I had the Ref screen to help, all 72 pages of it ;) I kid, it was only like what, 16 faces total? Can't recall for sure, it's around here somewhere I think, I should dig it out and look again. Impossible to have it all open on the table at once I recall.

I still use it for reference and longingly think about trying it to play again. It has it's real fans who think there's none better and they can't be that wrong.

Not sure any of that helps but it's one point of view. Take it with a grain of salt as I've not played it in years, and I tend to be biased to what I'm using at the moment (which is CT at this point, having come full circle through most of the rule sets of the game).
- is all MT compatible with CT?
More or less. There will of course be differences, but it is at least as compatible as LBB2 and High Guard. Characters have more skills available to them and gain more skills per term than even Advanced CT Chargen (like LBB4+). The task resolution is completely different, but works as well as the BITS or any other CT Universal System. The craft design rules will yield either very similar results or dramatically different results depending on which options you select. The setting is compatible, but has a completely different 'feel' from the earlier 'Golden Age' Imperium (which is good or bad based on your preferences).

- is MT really better and improved compared to CT?
It is a compilation that tends towards a Striker level of complexity. If you liked Striker better than LBB1-3, then MegaTraveller is 'better'. If you liked LBB1-3 better than LBB 4-7, then MT is 'worse'.

- are there parts of the rules that can be interesting for CT?

- more important ... as expert CT players WHAT DO YOU THINK about MT?
I liked it more than I thought I would, but I still prefer The Traveller Book (TTB = a compilation of LBB 1-3) as MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE for playing Traveller. I mine MT for anything not covered in TTB and as a tool to add lots of chrome to things. I have the CD and (even with it's flaws) consider it a very good investment. My biggest complaint with MT is that I can do NOTHING with the rules without first reading up on all of the errata for that section of the rules ... nothing seems to work 'out of the box'.
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I played MT for years. It was my Traveller version of choice even after TNE came out.

But...I always keep coming back to CT. It's the game I started with (Starter Traveller), and, as far as I'm concerned, I could lose every non-CT supplement I have and be content playing just CT for the rest of my life.

For my money, Classic Traveller is THE TRAVELLER GAME.

I suspect that CT would be even more popular than it is (It is still one of the leading Traveller versions) if the older supplements were easy to find in either pdf or print. There's a lot of third-party jewels out there, non-GDW, that really add to the game. Supplements. Adventures. Neat stuff.
As rules, pretty much everything everyone else said.

It didn't really make things better... just more complex, with more complex errors & problems embedded in the rules.

As a setting... the creators ran out of new things to create, and decided "hey, I know... lets destroy everything instead! That'll be new!"

Sorry, not better in any way to me.
It didn't really make things better... just more complex, with more complex errors & problems embedded in the rules.

As a setting... the creators ran out of new things to create, and decided "hey, I know... lets destroy everything instead! That'll be new!"

Sorry, not better in any way to me.
I'll go with that, too.