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MT G-carrier errata


SOC-14 1K
At Don's suggestion, I'm opening up a thread for more detailed discussion of the MegaTrav G-carrier. As presented in MT Imperial Encyclopedia, it's a 14.4 million credit beastie. In CT, they cost a megacredit. In Striker they were 2. Here, 14.4 and - most important - I can't make one happen out of the design rules.

What I get is this - and pardon, it's a cut-and-paste from the original post:

Hull: 8 dTon streamlined box, TL14 armor factor 10, 1.995 tons, Cr27,500

Power plant: 6 Kl TL15 fusion, 54 megawatts, 12 tons, Cr1,200,000

Drives: TL9 standard grav, 53 tons thrust, 5.3 Mw, 1.06 Kl, 2.12 t, Cr106,000
Performance: 1.1 G, top speed 120 KPH
(There are higher tech gravs available. They draw less power but, because of the power plant scale efficiency rule, there is power to spare and no benefit in reducing the power plant size. The higher tech gravs cost a lot more, and that in turn triggers major problems with control points, which are calculated from cost. Ergo, we stick with the older tech.)

Avionics: TL8 for 120 KPH NOE, 0.05 Mw, 0.4 Kl, 0.2 t, Cr106,000

Fuel: 13 kiloliters H2, 0.91 t. Provides 240 hours under full power.

Communications: TL15 System-range radio (wow!), 0.007 Mw, 0.014 Kl, 0.007 t, Cr150,000

TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Active Array, 0.050 Mw, 0.010 Kl, 0.005 t, Cr100,000
TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Passive Array, 0.010 Mw, 0.002 Kl, 0.001 t, Cr20,000

Weapons: TL15 RF-X, 42 Mw, 0.080 Kl, 0.080 t, Cr131,000
(This is silly. It doesn't have the armor to stand up to the kind of prey that needs this firepower, and it consumes 3/4 of the available power. I could shrink the power plant and cut the cost by almost a million credits by replacing this with a VRF gauss or an autocannon. However, it is what was originally installed, so it stays.)

Basic environment, 0.108 Mw, 0.540 Kl, 0.540 t, Cr1,080
Basic life support, 0.086 Mw, 0.430 Kl, 0.430 t, Cr25,771
Inertial Compensators, 2.160 Mw, 1.080 Kl, 2.160 t, Cr27,000
(I don't see a need for inertial compensators in a vehicle whose top speed is that of a car on the Interstate but, again, it is what was originally installed. It has no artificial gravity, so the occupants are still floating when in orbit. It's not generating any forces an occupant can't handle comfortably.)

2x Computer Model/0, 0.001 Mw, 1.000 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr120,000
1x TL13 Holographic linked, 0.002 Mw, 0.030 Kl, 0.020 t, Cr1,000
1x TL9 Heads up Display, 0.005 Mw, 0.500 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr20,000
(We are a wee bit short on control points. I get 257.5 verses 265.63 needed. We need two more holo-linked control panels, or one more if we ditch the inertial compensators. Note also that if we had gone with the more expensive gravs, we'd have needed a lot more control panels for them.)

Occupancy: 4x roomy seats, 0 Mw, 16 Kl, 0.080 t, Cr400
(I got tons of space here. 67.8 cubic meters. We can fit an additional 10 seats for the classic 14 and still have room for cargo.)

Cargo: 27 Kl, 27 t

As is, with the one control panel and 4 seats, I get a cost of Cr1,939,751, a far cry from the MCr14.4 suggested. (Loaded weight is 47.948 tons, so that's fine.)

If I kill the inertial compensators, add a control panel and put in 10 additional seats, I get Cr1,914,742, a weight of 46.007 tons loaded, and - oops, I've gone to 1.5 Gs and a top speed of 180 KPH. Still quite comfortable at cruise and no worse than a race car at top speed. (And, I've still got 6.37 Mw extra power.) I can drop it to around a megacredit, the CT value, and make it more like something I'd let the players use if I replace the plasma gun with something that doesn't draw power and shrink the engine.

Aramis suggested it was in the gravs, that there was an issue of tech level difference that might bring a negative DM to a person operating equipment at a lower tech than what he's used to. I can't find the reference, so I can't evaluate it effectively, but it doesn't feel right. I could see that DM applying if I replaced the holo-link control panels with, say, a mechanical or electronic control system, where the character was confronted with a wheel and levers and dials instead of the controls he was accustomed to. In this case, the control panel controls a device for emitting gravitic thrust: whether it's big or small, whether it draws a lot of power or a little, it still comes to the control panel as a certain amount of gravitic thrust emitted in a certain direction. It's like saying you're going to have difficulty driving because of two cars with identical power outputs and identical dashboard controls, one has a V-8 and one has an inline-6.

More important, it doesn't work. I try a TL10 grav, I end in the 3 megacredit range - way short. I try a TL12 grav, and I have to replace the Model/0's with Model/1's for control and end up north of 17 megacredits.

(Incidentally, the HUHD suggestion doesn't work for the same reason - the Model/0's can't handle the input. You'd need to upgrade to Model/1's.)

Question on the floor therefore is, "How do we fix this?"

My most conservative suggestion is: stick with the TL9 gravs, kill the unneeded inertial compensators, add another holo-link control panel to bring control to specs, and add 10 more seats since there's room for it and it brings the thing in line with its CT forebears.

My most radical suggestion is: kill the RF-X. There isn't enough armor here to justify taking this thing where that gun is useful. Replace it with a VRF Gauss or a 6cm howitzer, versatile mix of rounds there for the murder-minded PC. Then, chop the fusion plant to a 6 Mw plant and make it more like something your PCs might use than some sort of paper-armored combat vehicle. Or, chop the RF-X and use the existing power for more gravs and more armor, make this thing a proper combat carrier like the Striker grav carrier, instead of a bus with a tank gun.
8 dTon hull, 5.7 tons, Cr 10,000
Box: mass no change, price x0.6
Streamline box: price x1.5
TL14 Armor : mass x0.14, price x1
factor 10 armor: x2.5

Whup, he's right, my spreadsheet has an error. Should multiply price by config and the result by streamlining, not handle them as separate calculations. Should be 22,500, not 27,500.
Basic life support:

That was a suggestion I took from the MegaTraveller Starship Design Example that Joe Fugate did in Traveller's digest. Namely, you don't need to send life support to areas that aren't supporting life. The fuel tank, for example, does not need breathing air. Per the example he did, I provided basic environment to the full ship - machinery subject to temperature extremes can be damaged by that - but I did not provide life support for spaces occupied by fuel tanks or machinery.
I think there is an issue here that needs care and often pops up with errata and that is whether we are simply making the existing design (whether it is optimised or not) work according to the rules, or saying "I can create a better design than that".

In this case, we could all probably create a better grav sled. But that wouldn't be errata.
I think there is an issue here that needs care and often pops up with errata and that is whether we are simply making the existing design (whether it is optimised or not) work according to the rules, or saying "I can create a better design than that".

In this case, we could all probably create a better grav sled. But that wouldn't be errata.

Don's suggestion was to throw it out there and see what the consensus was. I know there've been some significant changes made in the past under the "errata" label for things that weren't technically broken, like promoting Regina to TL12, and I know there are also many times when the errata is a conservative tweak to correct something that conflicted with the rules. I take no position - either works, so long as at the end of it we aren't running around with a 14 million credit gcarrier that can't possibly cost 14 million credits.

As I said, the conservative approach - and easiest, given that I've already laid out the design - is to take the design, add one more hololink control panel, eliminate the unneeded inertial compensators, and add seating to bring the total seats up to 14. This boosts the speed a wee bit, and cargo goes up a bit - 28.9 tons - but otherwise it's the same ship they intended, just at the right price and rule compliant. You could keep the compensators but you need a third control panel then and they don't do much of anything at this speed other than averting motion sickness. The classic model was a 14 seater, as is the Striker model, so keeping that is a nice touch.

Or we could try something different.
If I can dig out my spreadsheet, I'll have a go at it. But you're right: the TL 15 Lopec-class G-Carrier seems hideously expensive.

Even my TL 15 Unresolved - with factor-40 armour - comes in at "only" MCr10.8. It weighs 130 tons (loaded), uses standard grav and has a top speed of 600 kph.

If you want to see the s/sheet results, it's under:
--> Tavonni Specialties
----> trendi
------> The trendi Unresolved, TL 15 G-Carrier

Note that the original Book 2 prices are obviously arbitrary, and therefore unreliable comparisons. Witness the air/raft that sells for Cr600,000 but "really" only costs about Cr150,000 to build.

The Lopec is obviously iridium-plated. I've looked up DGP's Vehicles book, and it's still showing the MCr14.4 price tag. Yet the TL 14 Zho grav tank is MCr2.8, the Aslan Thunderer is MCr3, and the Resolve is MCr3.5. Even the worthy Scout-oriented Kankurur is only MCr10.6.

The Astrin grav APC is also gold-plated at MCr18.

Off-the-cuff, I suggest that either (a) the price is wrong by one decimal place (MCr1.44), or (b) given the streamlined "look" of the picture, the thing should be powered to reach 1000kph - with a proportionate increase in both pp and suspension cost. ;)
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I know there've been some significant changes made in the past under the "errata" label for things that weren't technically broken, like promoting Regina to TL12...
Heh, I believe you're wrong on two counts there. I think Regina's TL of 10 WAS broken, but I don't think the change to TL12 was deliberate but rather a fortuitous misprint. :D

I could be wrong about the second part though.

As I said, the conservative approach - and easiest, given that I've already laid out the design - is to take the design, add one more hololink control panel, eliminate the unneeded inertial compensators, and add seating to bring the total seats up to 14. This boosts the speed a wee bit, and cargo goes up a bit - 28.9 tons - but otherwise it's the same ship they intended, just at the right price and rule compliant. You could keep the compensators but you need a third control panel then and they don't do much of anything at this speed other than averting motion sickness. The classic model was a 14 seater, as is the Striker model, so keeping that is a nice touch.

Or we could try something different.

I support the conservative approach.

We can then post that to the MT errata thread and turn this thread into a nice design competition to see who can come up with the best MT Grav sled design with the shackles removed! You could give us a design requirement from the Interstellarms head office (TL, speed, endurance, max cost, etc) and away we go.
We can then post that to the MT errata thread and turn this thread into a nice design competition to see who can come up with the best MT Grav sled design with the shackles removed! You could give us a design requirement from the Interstellarms head office (TL, speed, endurance, max cost, etc) and away we go.

I'm up for that!

If I was going to spen MCr 14 on an APC I would buy something like this, rather than a Lopec. Well, technically it costs about MCr 17 but you get a discount for bulk purchases if you are the Imperium.

Give us the specs and we can give you a design. :)
The flavor text says that it used by militaries and quasi-militaries (probably "corporate forces" and "mercenaries"). But it seems like neither would really want it. Too expensive for such a thin skinned vehicle.

I don't remember the MT vehicle design rules well enough, but is there some way to make the RF-X mount optional? It's always been stupidly overkill on such a thin-skinned vehicle. In this case, I think the errata should be to make the vehicle conform better to fulfill the flavor text.
Easist solution would be to simply say "1dT has been set aside for a weapon mount".

I think we need to provide more than that: "1dT has been set aside for a weapon mount and the power plant can provide x MWe of power for x hours"

If we are going to provide a modular slot I think we need to consider what will or could be plugged into that slot and at least estimate the adjusted endurance and/or performance values for each option.
Easist solution would be to simply say "1dT has been set aside for a weapon mount".

The way MT works, you're still left with a massive amount of power and nothing that needs it.

A conservative refit:

Hull: 8 dTon streamlined box, TL14 armor factor 10, 1.995 tons, Cr22,500

Power plant: 6 Kl TL15 fusion, 54 megawatts, 12 tons, Cr1,200,000

Drives: TL9 standard grav, 53 tons thrust, 5.3 Mw, 1.06 Kl, 2.12 t, Cr106,000
Performance: 1.10 G, top speed 120 kph, cruise speed 90 kph

Avionics: TL8 for 120 kph NOE, 0.05 Mw, 0.4 Kl, 0.2 t, Cr10,000
(NOE speed equals maximum speed? I presume that's all right when avionics are up to the task. No point in better avionics if you can't go faster. However, this thing can go a lot faster when you fly it without cargo - see note below, and then tell me if there's any reason not to upgrade to a TL15.)

Fuel: 13 kiloliters H2, 0.91 t. Provides 240 hours under full power.

Communications: TL15 Far Orbit-range radio, 0.002 Mw, 0.004 Kl, 0.002 t, Cr90,000
(I had control panel issues because I left the inertial compensators in place; see below. System-range is a very powerful radio. Trepida and Astrin make do with a continental range radio. I'd have thought a planetary or far orbit range radio was adequate for talking with your ship in orbit, and that little radio refit gets me back down to 2 control panels, which leaves me at the perfect weight for 27 tons of cargo at 120 kph.)

TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Active Array, 0.050 Mw, 0.010 Kl, 0.005 t, Cr100,000
TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Passive Array, 0.010 Mw, 0.002 Kl, 0.001 t, Cr20,000

Weapons: TL15 RF-X, 42 Mw, 0.080 Kl, 0.080 t, Cr131,000
(I still think this is silly, but I don't want to kill it and then leave people wondering why we have such a massive amount of unused power. For the conservative refit, it'll stay, and we can discuss options for a more radical alternative.)

Basic environment, 0.108 Mw, 0.540 Kl, 0.540 t, Cr1,080
Basic life support, 0.086 Mw, 0.429 Kl, 0.429 t, Cr25,765
Inertial Compensators, 2.160 Mw, 1.080 Kl, 2.160 t, Cr27,000
(I put the compensators back. It belatedly occurred to me that, while this thing lumbers like an old truck when fully loaded, it might not always be fully loaded. With 14 passengers and up to 7 tons cargo, it can hit a top speed of 1000 kph. Yes, when it hits the fan and you lighten the load for a quick getaway, you can hit Mach 0.8. I don't know of anything that says speed is capped to the loaded weight when not loaded, and that's a handy card to pull when the players are in a tight way. I feel silly after just having made a case against the things. Thoughts?)

(Note: there's spare power and, after the radio refit, control available for extended life support. The player can buy it as an after-market add-on, but he has to sacrifice a quarter ton of cargo for it.)

2x Computer Model/0, 0.001 Mw, 1.000 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr120,000
2x TL13 Holographic linked, 0.004 Mw, 0.060 Kl, 0.040 t, Cr2,000
1x TL9 Heads up Display, 0.005 Mw, 0.500 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr20,000

Occupancy: 14x roomy seats, 0 Mw, 56 Kl, 0.280 t, Cr1400

Cargo: 27 Kl, 27 t

Cost: Cr1,876,745
The way MT works, you're still left with a massive amount of power and nothing that needs it.


See that without the RF-X gun and inertial computers, it needs only about 9 Mw, and by exchanging the PP to fuel cells, it requires only 34 of them (at TL 15 each one produces 0.27 MW, so 34 would produce 9.18 Mw), using 3.4 Kl of volumen, weighting 5.44 tons and costing just 54000 Cr, and needing 13.6 liters of fuel per hour, against the fusion PP that is 6 Kl, 12 tons, costs 1.2 MCr and needs 54 liters of fuel per hour..

At those power levels, fuel cells are quite more efficient than fusion PP.
See that without the RF-X gun and inertial computers, it needs only about 9 Mw, and by exchanging the PP to fuel cells, it requires only 34 of them (at TL 15 each one produces 0.27 MW, so 34 would produce 9.18 Mw), using 3.4 Kl of volumen, weighting 5.44 tons and costing just 54000 Cr, and needing 13.6 liters of fuel per hour, against the fusion PP that is 6 Kl, 12 tons, costs 1.2 MCr and needs 54 liters of fuel per hour..

At those power levels, fuel cells are quite more efficient than fusion PP.

I'm fond of fuel cells for atmospheric flight as well, but you either need a separate O2 store or batteries to go above a certain altitude.
I'm fond of fuel cells for atmospheric flight as well, but you either need a separate O2 store or batteries to go above a certain altitude.

Even so, given the quite larger fuel needs for the fusion plant :)confused::CoW::confused:), I think it's worth it. Even if you must quadruple the fuel needs, you just come to par with the fision plant.
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Even so, given the quite larger fuel needs for the fision plant :)confused::CoW::confused:), I think it's worth it. Even if you must quadruple the fuel needs, you just come to par with the fision plant.


If I recall it a'right, it's actually multiplied by a factor of 9. You need an oxygen atom for each hydrogen pair, and the single oxygen atom's 16 times the mass of a hydrogen atom, so you need to add 8 kilo's of oxygen for each kilo of hydrogen aboard. I can design a basic g-carrier on a TL15 fuel cell that runs 2 weeks on 3 tons of hydrogen, but I need to bring aboard 24 tons of O2 if it runs without benefit of atmospheric oxygen for that time. On the other hand, about a ton of O2 will give me about 14 hours of extra-atmospheric flight, so I can do it with a smallish O2 tank as long as I transition from ship to planet or vice versa in that time and top it off when aboard ship or in atmosphere.

(Those high-tech fuel cells are rather magical, methinks.)